Publications & Book Releases

Invisible in Plain Sight book jacketInvisible in Plain Sight: Self-Determination Strategies of Free Blacks in the Old Northwest by alumna, Dr. Jill Rowe



African Medical Pluralism by alumni Dr. William Olsen and alumna Dr. Carolyn SargentAfrican Medical Pluralism book jacket

Evil in Africa by alumni Dr. William Olsen and Walter Van Beek

Public heritage at scale: Building tools for authoring mobile digital heritage and archaeology experiences” in Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage by faculty, Dr. Ethan Watrall


“’Fiery Technology’ and Transformative Placemaking: A Contextual Examination of a ‘Crematory’ at the Aztalan Site in Wisconsin,” in Cremation and the Archaeology of Death (J. Cerezo-Roman, H. Williams, and A. Wessman, eds.). Oxford University Press. Chapter 5 by faculty, Dr. Lynne Goldstein

Contextual and Biological Markers of Community Identity in the Effigy Mound Manifestation of Southern Wisconsin,” in The Bioarchaeology of Community (S.L. Juengst and S.K. Becker, eds.) by alumni Jered B. Cornelison, alumni Wendy Lackey-Cornelison, and faculty Lynne Goldstein

“Medicaid Healthcare Access Must Be Protected” in Adelante by Hannah S. Bell, (faculty) Linda M. Hunt, Luciana Solis

““They Treat You a Different Way”: Public Insurance, Stigma, and the Challenge of Health Care Inequality” in Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry by alumnus Anna C Martinez, Hannah Feig, Allison M Baker, Kristan Elwell, Isabel Montemayor, (faculty) Linda M Hunt

“Electronic Health Records and the Disappearing Patient” in Medical Anthropology Quarterly by faculty Linda M. Hunt, Hannah S. Bell, Allison M. Baker, and faculty Heather Howard