Blog 2

At the beginning of the week I thought my major, which is psychology would have very little to do with evolution and human variability. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions , especially those giving behavior in a specific context.”To me when I think of psychology I think of what I want to do with my major which is help children with bad childhoods or awful pasts to help turn them into successful young adults.There is also different smaller subfields that psychology can be broken up into.They are actually twenty-six subcategories including clinical, abnormal and biological.Clinical psychology is the branch that deals with the assessment and treatment of mental illness.  Lastly the main purpose of psychology is to describe thinking and behavior and also how the relationship between the two works. But, throughout this week I have learned that psychology actually has a lot of connections with evolution and human variability. I was shocked because I didn’t really think there were that many connections between the two.I have taken several science courses over the years and the first thing that comes to mind on how my major relates to them was evolution of people over time. Most science classes usually have a section on how us as humans have changed over time or how we are so similar to monkeys. These are both examples of something evolutionary psychologist would want to study as well.  Psychology looks at how change affects people and why it does. There is even an approach to psychology called evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology is an approach to psychology that attempts to explain useful mental and psychological traits. Such as memory,language, adaptations, perception all as the functional products of natural selection. The main purpose is to see how evolution affects each part of the body including your heart and even your immune system. While evolutionary psychologists look at how we have changed over time, they also look for explanations why and how our new adaptation has helped us.The last connection between evolution and psychology is the evolution of psychology. The interest in the human mind and behavior dates back to ancient civilizations of Greece ,China and India. Then around the 1870s psychology was a branch of philosophy Human variability is the range of possibilities of physical and mental traits for human being.Moving forward to the 20th century the definition of behavioral psychology became very popular. Behavior psychology focuses on the study and alteration of people’s behaviors. This also includes their thoughts, emotions and actions. Also in the final decades of the 20th century the rise in popularity of cognitive science. Cognitive science is the study of learning, thought and mental organization.  Which also relates to psychology because psychology studies psychological disorders. Psychologist want to learn how the disorder affects a person along with who has the disorder and why this amount of people have the disorder. They also study how the disorder affects everyone the same or differently which is another connection to human variability. 

One thought on “Blog 2

  1. Pete,

    I, as a psychology major as well, think you made very clear points in connecting psychology and evolution. I particularly thought your explanation of the evolution of the psychological field in addition to how studies of human variation fit into psychological curriculum enhanced your response to the blog question. I recently took the course “Cognitive Psychology” and can confirm that evolutionary discoveries have contributed largely to the research of cognitive psychologists and other researchers in the field of psychology. For example, enhancements in the amygdala over time have given way to discovering that this part of the limbic system is highly active during the creation and remembering of flashbulb memories, which are highly connected to emotional events. Your connection to treating, and possibly finding cures for, psychological disorders by studying various individuals is also a great connection between the fields.

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