Blog 3 Post

The statements on race from the American Anthropological Association otherwise known as (AAA) reflected race and ancestry in many different ways. These days most individuals have been taught to view race as natural within humans based on there physical differences. It said that scholars now say that race was actually used as a social mechanism back in the day in which the English were settlers that won against the Indians and then individuals from Africa were seen as slave laborers. Another way that this was reflected was through an ancient time that called this the Great Chain of Being. This was the thought that God has established a hierarchy according to individuals race. The race eventually began spreading around the world which is when people began to use this to divide, rank, and control individuals. In today’s society, we have finally come to the conclusion that this culture is learned and taught to children from a young age. I thought it was so fascinating to read that it is anthropological knowledge that each individual is able to learn any cultural behavior. The statements from the American Association of Physical Anthropologists discussed race and ancestry also discussed how the race was seen as individuals visible traits like facial features, skin color, and body shapes. Due to these characteristics individuals may be mistreated which may lead to psychological stress. They described all humans to fall under one single species in which there’s common descent. It is said that all humans living come from a common ancestral group that has evolved over time. The biological aspects in humans are due to hereditary factors as well as individuals social environment. There’s also genetic diversity in humans since race seen as genetic homogenous populations have never existed. Each population does have physical differences but this is due to many different reasons. This may occur due to the nutrition in the area, the way of life, and other characteristics of their lives. I really liked how the article discussed mating among different human groups. Although individuals may act like this is a biological interaction it is actually just social and cultural interaction. This actually only depends on both individual’s genetic makeup it has nothing to do with there races. Behavioral attributes occur due to individuals physical and social environments. I would explain the nonexistence of biological race to someone who is not really familiar with the topic by telling them that race just comes from the person’s environment but at the end of the day we are all human beings that come from the same ancestors. The subject of race has just been something that we were taught as young children but it doesn’t really exist. I would also refer them to both of these articles because I feel that they both did a thorough job in explaining the nonexistence of race. I actually think that in today’s society it is still very important for us to explain how race is just something that is taught and doesn’t really exist. I think that if more people learned this and read about it then there probably would be less racism.

One thought on “Blog 3 Post

  1. I have taken a course before talking about specifically the term “race”. Race really is a social mechanism that was created in the hope to have someone be more powerful than they other. When you ask someone about race, most likely your going to get an answer that involves how a human looks like, what their beliefs are, what language they speak in, etc. Like from what the articles we read and from your post, we learned where these phscyail differences come from, such as nutrition and nature one is used to in their given environment. I would also say behavioral attributes are like physical as to the environment you are in shape that. I agree that I would refer these articles to someone unfamiliar with “explaining the nonexistence of race” as you said. It gives you an important outlook at the end of each of them to look and think how “race” this concept, doesn’t really exist.

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