Blog 3

I believe that the statements on race from both the AAA and the AAPA make many, extremely good points about the way that people in societies in this world see race. When I read about the AAA making a point that race was essentially created as a way to justify horrific things such as slavery and the Holocaust, was entirely shocking. I believe that is absolutely cruel and that nothing can justify slavery and the holocaust. It has come to my attention that there is absolutely no evidence that defends the classifications of race. I am a believer that race was created by society. A statement that really caught my eye in the AAA statement of race was: “”Race” thus evolved as a worldview, a body of prejudgments that distorts our ideas about human differences and group behavior. Racial beliefs constitute myths about the diversity in the human species and about the abilities and behavior of people homogenized into “racial” categories. The myths fused behavior and physical features together in the public mind, impeding our comprehension of both biological variations and cultural behavior, implying that both are genetically determined. Racial myths bear no relationship to the reality of human capabilities or behavior. Scientists today find that reliance on such folk beliefs about human differences in research has led to countless errors.” I think it is absurd that whatever the society sees about a certain race will be passed on to others. I find it extremely awful and irritating that a society can just make stereotypes about certain races and have others believe them. It is proven that human culture is learned and taught when you are an infant. You are not just born speaking a certain language and having a certain type of culture.

I was raised in a way where my parents thought of certain cultures. It was not my own opinion. I was taught how to view some cultures and how to view certain races. It is true that when you are born you adapt to the culture around you and see things the way people in your culture see things. Since I have become older and more mature, I have a TOTAL different outlook on everything, including race and culture. I feel bad for those that grew up in a family that look down on certain races because that is, most likely, until they are old enough to make their own decisions, how they will view others because that is the way they were taught.

The AAPA states that we are all classified as homo sapiens, and there are no biological barriers that prevent us from mating which means that we are all the same species. I believe that there are so many people in this world who identify as multiple races or a different race than what they “look” like. I think that, by the AAPA saying we are all the same species, there should be only one race. There are so many people in this world that still, to this day, look down on people for their race and it’s extremely devastating that somebody, just because of their race, can have that happen to themselves. It is also known and proven that some races are glorified than others. It is heartbreaking. We are all humans.

One thought on “Blog 3

  1. This was a very well written blog post and I agree with you 100%. I find it unbelievable that race is used to justify such terrible things. It is absolutely mind blowing and heartbreaking. I also really applaud you for being able to change your view on the world and race in particular. It is super hard to change the thoughts that your parents taught you. something that stuck our particular to me in your post was the sentence “you are not just born speaking a certain language and having a certain type of culture.” It stuck out because it is so true and I never really thought about it in that way before. I was born and raised in Italy and I always kind of viewed my country’s culture as one I was just born into and almost adapted to because as Italians we have a very specific culture. Thank you for making that thought provoking statement.

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