Harris Week 3 Blog

Through history, race has been a word that categorize and separate humans. Its only one race and that’s the Human race. All of us are the same, we all derive from one place, and that’s Africa. Race is a word of many definitions that many humans constructed. Race classifications have never been biological, even though some people in the world use it to divide and separate us as one.

After reading up on organizations such as the “AAA” the American Anthropological Association, and the American Association of Physical Anthropologies “AAPA”, it has been the human construct that has developed ideas for many generations. The better term to use to define individuals through different cultures instead of the word race. We all are one, one human race, different cultures, traditions, and practices is what makes us unique.

Different cultures determine our temperaments, dispositions, and personalities, regardless of genetic propensities. From our hair color, hair texture, being short or tall, having blue eyes or brown eyes, big nose or small nose. All these traits link us together as humans, therefore were linked as one. Genetics don’t matter, Therefore, you as a person physical attributes are formed by your environment. About 99.9% of our DNA is shared throughout the entire human race. There is no difference in all humans. No separations what so ever, us besides outward physical appearances. An that’s where all the controversy would take place when it comes to dividing us into groups based on physical traits. Skin color, the main thing because people tend to think if they have a different skin color from another culture, they feel more superior to that culture. Feel like they better and other is nothing. Whites feeling more in power, the majority has labeled themselves to be the superior group, or a race of their own. Even though its different cultures and personalities within white people, they have believed that fact that they are smarter then, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans and Latin Americans which isn’t okay at all. Buts in the society we live in and through history, they have been the cause of all commotion. As individuals and as a society its been rallies, debates, protests, etc., to unify fairness and equal rights to all humans no matter color but the superior attitude Caucasians have is purely deep rooted in their souls. That’s the constructed version of race that will keep us all in groups and keep us separated “us” “them” variations. For a person who might be unfamiliar with the topic of race, I would tell them it’s only one race and that’s the human race. We are all the same. We genetically have the same body parts but comes in different sizes color and shapes. We have different cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. No one’s cultures are better than the other. Race is a very uncomfortable topic, a lot of grey areas when it comes to physical vs. biological traits. Us as a society and throughout human history has been through hardships and pain, but I think the world would have a better understanding of “us” “human race” if they taught more of the AAA and AAPA

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