Tang Week 3 Blog Post

It is interesting to learn that human beings are not unambiguous or demarcated by

biological characteristics. It is also surprising to learn that most physical variations lies within the 94% of racial groups as is evidenced by the results of DNA and that only about 6% of the genes tend to differ from one another (AAA Statement on Race).

It is also surprising to understand that the idea of race tends to have a different meaning altogether and not mere physical attributes. The concept of race was first invented in the United States, and the intention was to social classify human beings by their distinct characteristics. As such, race was modeled after an ancient theorem of the Great Chain of Being and was used in the positioning of hierarchy. From the United States, the concept of race was duplicated in other areas, and the results of this some racial grouping have become or rather were deemed more superior to others.

The ideology of race has been misinterpreted, and this comes with negative consequences. It has become so hard to undo the adverse effects that were caused by race ideology. Regrettably, race has been used in dividing, ranking and controlling others based on their physical variations. Race has been used by Europeans when it comes to their justification for the social, economic, and political equalities that are witnessed in a different part of the world and specifically in Britain (Face of Britain-Neil Oliver Part 1 of 3 ).

The nonexistence of biological race may be surprising to many and to some, unacceptable. However, based on the evidence that is presented by the DNA and the interbreeding phenomena, it is possible to understand the evolution of human being may have been impacted by several factors. People are the way they are in term of their physical variations depending on several factors. The natural variations that can be seen in human beings are as a result of a gradual

process, and this happens over geographical areas. There are several factors that determine this. For example, the skin color of a human being is affected by, among other things light from temperate areas, especially in the north to the dark in the tropical areas in the south (Hagen,1996). Thus; the physical variations are not related in any way to the shape of the nose or even hair texture. As is evident, dark skin is associated with curly, wavy, or straight hair as can be seen on indigenous people in tropical regions.

It is interesting to understand how interbreeding affected Charles health and eventually led to the fall of dynasties. The Spanish Habsburg dynasty was more concerned about corralling their heritage within their bloodlines, and in so doing, they intermarried amongst themselves. However, this has its adverse effect, as is illustrated by the ill-health of Charles II (Reading: Theoretical Perspectives on Sex). The more closely related parents to a child are, the higher the odds of being a dud genetic hand. Children inherit one copy of genes from the father and another from their mother. Whereas one copy may be defective, the other working copy can compensate for this. What this means is that if parents are related there is a higher chance of the child inheriting same copies of genes, and this is risky as it could lead to an identical pair of faulty ones in these children. Thus the ideology is irrelevant based on this notion.


 AAA Statement on Race – Connect with AAA. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.americananthro.org/ConnectWithAAA/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=2583

Face of Britain-Neil Oliver Part 1 of 3 [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLV63ip7pdI

Hagen, E. (1996). AAPA statement on biological aspects of race. Am J Phys Anthropol, 101(4), 569-70.

Reading: Theoretical Perspectives on Sex | Sociology [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/alamo-sociology/chapter/reading-theoretical- perspectives-on-sex/

One thought on “Tang Week 3 Blog Post

  1. Hello Tang, first I would like to say is that you did a perfect job when referring that “human beings are not unambiguous or demarcated by biological characteristics.” I agree with this statement mainly because most humans in our generation cannot necessarily depict which genetics will be passed down to our offsprings. However, when you explained how the race started out in America because it was misinterpreted since the day Africans were migrated over to the United States to serve as slaves to work for the wealthy people. Not many people can recognize race or what it truly means, but I understand your point of view that race is defined by your own interpretation. And also when you mention how the closer children are with their parents, the more they will have of their genetic hand. Which is true and I agree because they would basically be a clone of their parents, but have a few different genes from their ancestors.
    Joshua K. Belcher

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