Week 3: Population Biology

In this week’s content we learn about variation in population genetics and the social contract/ complex term Race. To understand and get an insight about what Anthropologist thought about race and various correlation to it. After reading both statements from AAA (American Association of Anthropologist) and AAPA (American Association of Physical Anthropologists) Regarding their definition of race, I understand many of our phenotypic trait and variables affect our race and how misinterpreted across all audiences. Race in today’s world is still largely construed negatively furthermore used to target minorities and underprivileged populations to succeed one’s agenda along with giving limited resources and building a threshold to seclude people in lower grounds. I wanted to address both statements separately first because both are addressing the issue of misconception of race I think their approach and tones are similar and dissimilar. AAA, the American Association of Anthropology approach the matter with quotations from many different subfields used to discuss evolution and changes in human populations for intents they brought historical research which implied “Historical research has shown that the idea of “race” has always carried more meanings than mere physical differences; indeed, physical variations in the human species have no meaning except the social ones that humans put on them.” which is quite interesting but not surprising as to how we forgot that race is man made is used to categorize the population into groups in colonial era till now. What stuck with is how in the statement many times the writer repeated the misconceptions of race, furthermore how factors contributing to race are majorly affected by phenotypic trait and environmental variables. While the statement by AAPA, the American Association of Physical Anthropologists focus on giving information and evidence on how genetic and difference biological and environmental relation genes have with race. The setup of the statement is different from the earlier one in the way, they have given a background to why and purpose of understanding the origins and progress of race to now and how it is currently interpreted as well. Discussion of how race is construed, the opposition usually uses a mammals and humans limbs, body shape, skin color and size to challenge the race is biologically related. Missing piece to this claim is explained well in the physical anthropologist statement, in which they discuss how all the factors used for claim are either affected by heredity, socio economic environment or nature. All of the information provided in both statement is useful, when explaining to a person unfamiliar with the topic of population genetics and variation. When explaining about the non-existence of biological race to a person, I would firstly talk about how the contribution factors to race are either hereditary and influences of natural and social environment. I would example about vitamin D hypothesis and Allen rule, where one would the difference between skin color and the other would give reasoning about size difference of noses and ears and how both factors are because of phenotypic traits and humans ability to adapt to different environments.

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