Week 3-Sydney peterson

I found both of the articles very interesting.  I liked how they both included what race is and some history as well. While reading the AAPA article I found their positions very truthful and factual. I really liked position three about there is no such thing as a pure race and there never has been a pure race. There was a lot of racism in the past, which stemmed from people believing that they were the superior or more pure race based on the color of their skin. I found it very surprising that the fact that all humans are equal needs to be said for humans to believe it.  Another proposition I found fascinating was number nine. Which says” the biological consequences of mating depend only on the individual genetic makeup of the couple, and not on either racial classifications. Therefor,no biological justification exisits for restricting intermarriage between persons of different racial classifications.” I found this super fascinating that this was one of the propositions because I remember hearing in one of my sociology classes that in the past sometimes women were told that if they married a black man they wouldn’t have good children. It is awful to think that people were so racist in the past that they would go as far as saying that african american can’t make a healthy child just based on that person’s color.

Next while reading the AAA article I like how they included the historical research of the idea of race. It showed that race has always carried a more physical meaning on the way people look rather than anything else. “Today scholars in many fields argue that “race” as it is understood in the United States of America was a social mechanism invented during the 18th century.”I really didn’t know when the term race started being used and I found it very interesting that it was after the english and other european settlers came to America. Also while reading this article I found the section talking about constructing US society very interesting because I never knew why they classified europeans as the superior race. “As they were constructing US society, leaders among european-americans fabricated the cultural/behavioral characteristics associated with each ”race” linking superior traits with Europeans and negative and inferior ones to blacks and indians.” Which is very upsetting to think about how Europeans came here took the natives land they called them inferior. 

Lastly, based on what I have learned so far I would say that race is a human constructed social term and is not real for a few reasons. In the class reading by Norm,Saucer it says, “They argued that the discordance of traits made defining races on the basis of more than one or two characters impossible. Since no human biologist would support such limited criteria for defining a race, the race concept was deemed untenable for human populations.” Which supports the idea that race is socially constructed and that we can’t even tell the race of a human by just their bones. I would also say that race is not a biological factor. There is no gene that is common to just all whites or just all african americans. Race is just a social construct to show that people have different skin colors even though they are both just human being.

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