Week Three Blog Post

In biology, races are genetically distinct populations within the same species. It can include skin color, skin tone, eye and hair color, as well as a tendency toward developing certain diseases. It is not something that can be changed or disguised I want to begin by stating the obvious theme here, race is a social construct. These boundaries that society tells us to judge each other by and the categories that we see ourselves in aren’t there. These categories limit the people that didn’t create the system and were historically exploited say for instance the black woman has always been at the bottom of this social structure because she is the darkest and she is a female. This opposes the white male who created the structure to justify racism and try to maintain control of groups of people around the world that they colonize(with darker skin). Race is a social construct that has been shaped by the dominant group in society. There is no gene that defines what race you are; it is society that has constructed certain people to fit in certain groups. Looking back at the construction of race in a historical context, whites since colonization have felt supreme to any other race be it African or Muslim. The concept of race has been used by many different groups of people overtime in history to rationalize the unequal treatment of other races. The social construction of race has been made-up by members of a particular culture and exists because people have agreed to behave as if it exists. Race is socially constructed because no scientific evidence proves differences in race, but history demonstrates how society has socially constructed race to be what it is today. Race is a social construct because no biological evidence proves that no one group is stronger, smarter, or better than the other. “Scientists generally do not recognize races as biologically meaningful.  Yet scientists, including me, discuss race and describe the racial composition of our samples. To be clear, I am not advocating that we ignore race.  In fact, there are many dangers in ignoring race as a social topic. Race is “real”. But race is socially real, not biologically real.” (Psychology) In AAA, they state that “leaders among European-Americans fabricated the cultural/behavioral characteristics associated with each “race,” linking superior traits with Europeans and negative and inferior ones to blacks and Indians. Numerous arbitrary and fictitious beliefs about the different peoples were institutionalized and deeply embedded in American thought.” Skin color is only skin deep. It does not determine intelligent, ability, or any other crazy thing a racist person says. The idea that humans can be divided into races encompasses the idea that there are real distinct groups, and that these groups have real differences between them. Without the notion that there are differences between the groups there is no need to have this concept. So most of us grew up believing that there are real genetically based differences between people with black skin and people with white skin etc. In simpler terms, there’s really no race among humans, besides the human race.

“Race as a Social Construction.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/without-prejudice/201612/race-social-construction.

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