Tang Week 4 Blog Post

Over the course of the week, I have had an opportunity to read class materials and watch you tube movies that highlighted the issue of human evolution. It was interesting that I was able to come across materials that highlighted the manner in which non-human primates have been able to provide information, which is related to human evolution and this is something that I was able to relate to while going through the readings. Besides that, there are aspects that I read in the readings and watched in the videos that pointed out the evolution of humans based on non-primate and primates.

There are several areas or information that I came across that pointed out to the behavior of the non-primates and I believe this is something that caught me by surprise. For instance, there was this reading material that I came across, which talked about the behavior of the chimpanzees that attacked strangers. It was surprising to me because I felt that this was strange given the nature of the attack and the overall behavior of the chimpanzees. The warfare that was experienced at that given time caught me by surprise especially when looking at the nature of that war given that they are considered as living organisms that function close to human beings. To some extent, I think this goes on to explain the story of human evolution since the non-primate’s behavior can be closely associated to that of human beings. Human beings can engage in warfare with the intention of taking over or protecting their own and this was experienced even with the chimpanzees that were documented taking part in the war at that given time.

Besides that, there is also another behavior about the primates that surprised me given the nature of how they do things. I was surprised at the behavior that they exhibited while walking. It is evident to note that this behavior is seen when they walk like they are standing and this is somehow similar to human beings. This can be used to explain the evolution theory where it is argued that human beings evolved from those animals to the present way that they are as normal functioning beings. I was surprised by the behavior that is exhibited by the non-primates while walking and even the shape of their legs points to that behavior that can be associated with human beings. They are seen to be walking on two legs and this is similar to human beings as well. I was also surprised that the non-primates are able to use tools just like the way human beings can hold on to tools while working. I was also surprised that just like human beings, the non-human primates live in social groups and they are seen to be taking care of each other. The use of language and symbols while communicating also highlights that similarity with human beings, which is something that surprised me as well. When we look at all those behaviors of the non-primates, we shall be in a better position to understand biology and human evolution.

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