Blog 6

After watching the videos focusing on the discovery of Homo floresiensis, which lived during the Pleistocene period. Homo floresiensis are known for their small brain and small height. Just a little over 3 feet tall, this species originated about 100,000 to 50,000 years ago from Indonesia. I found this species to be fairly interesting since they lived during a period surrounded by large glacier and cold temperatures.

I found it interesting that this species evolved from the homo erectus which came from Africa. In regard to fossilization, I found it compelling that despite their small brain size that this species was able to adapt to their surroundings and embody the ability to use tools such as stones and rocks for hunting. In addition to their tool use, this species were bipedal despite their small bodies. The fossils from these species is highly useful in drawing a more clear line of evolution, and better understanding the evolution of modern humans. I found it interesting that this species is known for having an absence of a chin, relatively low twist of the arm bones, and thickness of leg bones. These features are important to note, because they provide information on the activities that these species were involved in. For instance, the twist in the arm could serve for swinging. The flat feet on the homo floresiensis could suggest the relation to walking. I found it interesting that when walking their knees were further back than modern people. The studying of fossils proposes arguments and theories to depict how related these species are to humans.

I found it interesting that some research that suggests that the homo floresiensis are more comparable to an Ape due to the environment and evolution. Seeing that the Homo floresiensis evolved over time, they are related to various species within the Homo genus. This is where the fossils provide immense amounts of detail and information to better predict what species they are more or less related to. The information from fossils can help scientists better understand how the species evolved, in addition to their behaviors. Scientists can also study adaptions in relation to the environment, which may provide more information in regard to extinction. In addition, these findings can also help scientists discover what species once lived on Earth and the evolution over time. By studying the body size from the fossils of these species, scientists can predict the environment and the resources provided during that period of time. One can predict that the small body size of the Homo floresiensis is due to the shortage of resources on the island and the environment in which they lived in. I still find it interesting that despite the small brain size and primate body type, that these creatures were able to discover the ability to use stones and rocks as tools for hunting.

The information provided from this weeks lectures, support the claim that human evolution is not simple, yet more complex. However, through the study of fossils, one can gain clearer insight and information on the history of evolution.

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