Week 6 Blog

I believe that the fossil remains of Neanderthals have provided much insight and information about the ancestors of humans to paleoanthropologists. Neanderthals lived in the Ice Age of Europe and arose as a hominin from the Homo erectus. Scientists have discovered many details about the features and behaviors of Neanderthals. First, paleoanthropologists can confirm that Neanderthals had large brains (larger than modern humans), a round, long, and low crania. In addition, big faces with large brow ridges and noses. Plus, it was discovered that they had an “occipital bun”, which is a little protuberance of bone on the back of their skull. Moreover, Neanderthals had thick bones and heavily muscled, which suggested an active and rough lifestyle. The rough lifestyle is also shown in the average lifespan of the fossils discovered. It is rare that there was an old Neanderthal found, leading to the idea that their lifespan was relatively short. Then, from researching the teeth scientists found that they have small back teeth, large front teeth, and “taurondont molars”. Furthermore, the wear on the front teeth led scientists to believe that Neanderthals used their front teeth to hold animal hide while cleaning it. The wear from the animal hide would make sense since they lived in a cold climate where they would need thick, warm clothing. Next, scientists also found that neanderthals develop faster than modern humans. There was more brain growth and less time to learn things as children.

Paleoscientists found a good amount of evidence showing Neanderthals behavior as well. First, Neanderthals demonstrated advanced behavior compared to earlier groups. However, they don’t show the range of behavioral flexibility and creatively that modern groups do. In addition, there has been little evidence of shelters or organized camps. This has to led to scientists believing that Neanderthals stayed around natural features like rock shelters. Furthermore, there is little evidence of Neanderthals creating art. Yet, potentially seashells were used for jewelry and pendants. Lastly, from wounds on the older fossils found, scientists could tell that Neanderthals cared for each other. This is because some wounds were old or the Neanderthals had diseases that would’ve required help from another Neanderthal.

Third, the biggest discovery about Neanderthals that helped scientists is the research of DNA. First, from the recent genomic evidence, the gene called FOXP2 gene was identified. The FOXP2 gene is also in modern humans and is related to speech. Therefore, since this was identified in Neanderthal DNA, they would have been able to speak. In fact, in 2010 there was a reconstruction of a complete Neanderthal genome. The reconstruction has allowed scientists to compare Neanderthals and modern humans further. Plus, to discover what is unique and distant about Neanderthals. Lastly, the last common ancestors between Neanderthals and modern humans was between 700,000 and 516,000 kya. In conclusion, from Homo erectus there was a largely diverse group of hominin that spread out. Neanderthals locates in Europe, when Homo heidelbergensis went to Asia, Europe, and some stayed in Africa, and the Denisovians traveled to central Asia.

Word Count: 504

One thought on “Week 6 Blog

  1. Hey Emily!
    I think you did a great job at really diving into depth about the certain physical traits along with behavioral traits that made neanderthals interesting to you which was super cool to read about! One of the things that you talked about was the FOXP2 gene. When i heard about it in lecture, i kind of understood it, but conceptually, it was a bit difficult for my brain to wrap around! Personally, i found it hard to make sense of how a species like the neanderthals had even larger brains than we do today, but all the while, the ability of speech is basically determined by a gene that we have been able to uncover! Amazing! I also really found it interesting that again, with that larger brain, how they were fairly limited behaviorally. I guess my thought process was if a species has a larger brain, naturally they are going to be able to do more when it comes to just about anything! But in this case it is not true!
    great job!

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