Week 6 blog post

From the lectures and other course materials, the discoveries on both groups greatly affected how scientists think about the fossil record and human evolution. Ill be focusing on Homo Floresiensis for this blog post. This original archaics group comes from a small island of Flores in Indonesia that’s were very isolated. Researchers learned that this species is much older than what they thought which turns our to be at 100,000 to 50,000 years ago.

Their physical appearance was obviously different from our modern day humans but their primitive features branched from homo erectus, even though they looked different. Since they came from an isolated place on a island with minimum resources, scientist hypothesized that they developed “evolutionary dwarfism”. The Mimi always recourses could have been a lack of food so that explains they didn’t eat the proper nutrients to grow as much as they could have, shelter, etc. I found it so interesting that in the lecture that dwarfism was brought up life this in relationship of not having enough resources to properly live. They are about 3 feet tall, very long arms and an un-arched feet shape. Their long arms and un-arched feet indicate that they got around using trees instead of walking long distances which would have been hard with that shape of a foot. From evolution, our modern day human arms got shorter and our feet became arched from how we now survive in this world.

They also had a very small brain size. Knowing about their small brain size, gives researchers a lot information regarding evolution and what their life was like. Their brain is comparable to a chimpanzee brain size and scientist linked this that they were animals that would hunt. Their brain was associated with using stone tools to hunt and eat.

From what I gathered Homo Floresiensis and Neanderthals are very different species. From where they originated, to their brain size and physical different attributes. Neanderthals seem more closer to the modern day human. Knowing as much as we can a bout these spices really help us understand modern day humans and the phenomenons that happen. It gives us more knowledge to back track why something in our genetics changed and if it was used to help us survive or not. These diverse species show us the real effects on environmental circumstances.

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