Week 7

 This course was very helpful in a numerous of ways. Coming into the course I was very basis about several things. This mainly because of my religious teaching and what I was taught previously in other courses. I had to take a second and reflect on a lot of what I learned in the past and give this teaching a second thought. A lot of what I learned in this course is proven to be very factual, so I was able to compare, and contrast and things began to make a lot of sense. Starting from where humans were to where we are now, human variability hasn’t stopped it will continue to happen over time.  

  The new world is a key component into proving how we as humans evolve. Gene flow was prevalent during this time because two different groups of people were mating to create something new. Also, during this time humans were culturally intersecting. Learning new ways to hunt, teach, farm and live life. The Native Americans taught the Europeans about different crops, and shortly after the native American culture became theirs. During this time in civilization the Native Americans were introduced to small pox’s. Small pox’s was a disease that the colonizers were immune too due to genetics but, Native Americans weren’t ultimately killing a lot of them off. This is a form of natural selection. In current time this is very similar to when the Ebola became a pandemic in America.  

 This week lecture touched on genetic engineering, which has been a common trend with people today. 50 years back this was something unheard of that people can create a human being having any characteristics they want in a petri disc. This trend will become more common in the near future when it becomes available to more people. This act of mutation could have a huge impact on society because it can produce an entirely new Gene. Personally, I feel this impact will be huge on society to those who can afford it. This is like women receiving sperm donors or a surrogate. This is another way that us humans has evolved with technology. Many years ago, this was unheard of, if a woman was unable to produce her next option would be adoption.  Scientist has evolved so far that other ways are being created for women to reproduce. A good thing is that today a lot more of offspring are being produced because our world is more diverse than when it was decades ago. Before other groups would not typically mate outside their said group due to social reasons. Now interracial mating is much more common because our world has more people in it who are not tied to a specific race.   

With all the historical studies we can now better understand our relationship with our environment. With the studies on human variability it is now clear why we as humans will continue to evolve. We’re not meant to stay in this one place forever hopefully we will get better overtime. 

One thought on “Week 7

  1. Hi Doverjay,

    Great reflection post! I liked how honest you were with the readers, your classmates. When you mentioned about your religion being a factor as to how you came into this course with a bias mindset. I could relate to a certain degree, I had no problem agreeing with what was taught based on the scientific evidence provided. I had trouble with how I felt with believing this when religion contradicts this. I probably don’t make sense but I wanted to thank you for incorporating this small detail here.

    Anyway, you did a good job providing examples of how humans are still evolving. I think gene flow is one important key factor that influences our evolution. We can see that now more visible with people trying to seek asylum in not just America but worldwide.

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