Week 7 Blog Post

Humans have been evolving since the beginning of time and will continue to evolve as long as we exist. This has happened in a multitude of ways including biological, behavioral, environmental and cultural evolution. An example we can look at first is how advanced we have become technologically in recent years. We can look at automation as an example of this. Humans have evolved so much and become so technologically advanced that many jobs no longer even require humans anymore. Artificial Intelligence has taken over cashier jobs, factory jobs, and nowadays even modeling jobs. I just read an article today about a new AI model that is making her way into the fashion industry. She has modeled for brands such as Ugg and Prada and has even featured in campaigns with other supermodels. It is clear to see that our technological evolution has taken us much farther than our ancestors may have ever believed. We have also unfortunately evolved our environment into one that will not be sustainable for many more years to come. Climate change has been a big issue and many people and politicians are trying to find a way to reverse some of the havoc we have wreaked on the planet with our fossil fuels, chemical emissions, pollution and more. So clearly, not all evolution leads to something better. We need to make a change and we must do it quickly if we ever want there to be a home for future generations of humans. Our way of making food and farming has also evolved in a sort of negative manner. We now use pesticides and growth hormones to make the food that looks appealing to the market in the highest quantities that we can. We are also evolving in the way that we create human life. In the past, the only way to conceive a child was through having sex, but nowadays there is IVF, surrogacy and much more. All of this sort of leads back to the evolution of our technology as none of these things would be possible without the modern technology we have now. It has led to humans losing jobs, species dying out due to deforestation and losing their environment, food that is worse for us being mass-produced, and new innovative ways of becoming pregnant. New medicine has also been introduced to us to try to lengthen our lifespans as much as possible. With the introduction of vaccines and modern medicine, we can fight off many more diseases than we ever thought we could before. The combination of all of these factors will continue to lead humans forward and keep them above all other species. If we take care of our environment and our planet then it surely will continue to sustain us and all of our new discoveries, technological and otherwise. Humans will never stop evolving and we can only continue to learn more and try to leave the world a better place than we left it in. Evolution is important and will continue to be.

2 thoughts on “Week 7 Blog Post

  1. Hi Diana!
    I really like your post and your observations were incredibly interesting. I think technology is one of the reasons why we as humans are developing so fast. It’s helped tremendously with not only immunity to diseases that use to kill humans very easily, but also keeping more and more humans alive. With the help of technology, the average lifespan of humans has risen dramatically, even in developing countries. Before the advancement of technology, people barely lived into their thirties and forties. The advancement of medicine has also been absolutely incredible as well. Without it, people would still be dying from common diseases like the cold and people would still be dying very young. Of course, some places around the world still deal with these problems, but as a whole, we’ve come so far!

  2. Hey! I also talked about how we have advanced so quickly in technology. It is so weird to think we were kids we spent most of our time playing outside and having social interaction . compared to now most kids do play outside but it’s for a short period of time then they are glued to their screens. Sometimes I wonder if technology will evolve to far and evolve into a bad thing. I really like your point on how technology has taken so many jobs. Yes technology has speed up and made the process of making food or other products easier but they have taken so many jobs. I doubt the human population will start to decrease any time soon, so what will happen when finally technology takes to many jobs and many are left jobless. This week has made me think way more about the future and how even if we may not be here for it we have to help the next generation.

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