Week 7- Wrap Up

The process of evolution is long and slow, so it is easy today at first think that our evolution has stopped, or at least paused. Many people would probably struggle to think about the human race continue to evolve; it would be difficult to imagine that in another 2,000 years, we MAY look different. Or it may take another 100,000 to even see a slight change as evolution works slowly through gene flow and environmental adjustments. But, without a doubt, the human form is evolving in many different ways, whether it be physically, mentally, or even behaviorally. 

One way that I see the human race evolving is in knowledge, but specifically medical knowledge. I once had a discussion with someone about how evolving medical knowledge was detrimental to the human race because as we cure or find treatments for more and more diseases and illnesses, we are staying alive longer. This not only feeds into the overpopulation issue that many parts of the world are facing (and will only get worse) but it also works against natural selection. Like let’s say there is a genetic disease that doctors solve, or at least treat to allow people with the disease to reproduce and then pass on the mutated or diseased genes to their offspring, thus keeping that mutation in the gene pool. However, if it was not treated, people may die and not be able to pass on the gene. Hence, the gene would be eliminated from the gene pool. With modern medicine not allowing this to happen, more genetic diseases are staying in the world. Natural selection in general is inhibited. When you think of things like the flu that used to kill many people, now it is treated. So a disease that would once separate people with weaker immune systems now does not do that and all immune systems (weak and strong) are able to stay in the gene pool. 

Another way humans are evolving is in what we eat. I have read that humans are not meant to eat lactate and gluten, as in our bodies cannot break down these things properly. So I would assume that eventually, if humans continue to consume these products, that our bodies will evolve to break these things down. OR humans will evolve to not eat these things, as I think many have started as it seems many more people are labeling themselves as lactose, fructose, or gluten intolerant. Diets have evolved over the entire existence of homo sapiens as our technology in tools and shelter evolved to allow early homo sapiens to hunt and process food. That is something that I learned more about in this course, though I already knew about it, but I think it is even more interesting now that I can fully understand what goes into human evolution. I think our technology will continue to evolve to create lactate and gluten substitutes, which proves to be another way our diet has and will continue to evolve as the human race evolves as well. 

Though evolution may seem slow or miniscule in the modern human race, evolution has continued and will continue forever.

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