Blog 7

Evolution as we have talked about is very important for scientists to study. It gives a look into the past by painting an evolutionary picture and a sort of timeline for us to study. It’s a bit difficult to think about the fact that we as a human species are still evolving considering it happens extremely slowly over many years as we have seen. There are many different aspects that evolution occurs at such as biological, cultural, and socially. I would say social evolution may be one of the easier evolutionary topics to study considering it changes right before our eyes. It is important to study each of these, though, in order to understand human beings and how we have become what we are and to see where we are going. One thing I find cool is that there will always be something new to learn in this field since evolution is still occurring and will continue to occur.

An example of a way that humans are evolving currently is in the way that diseases and sickness is fought off. For example, coughs and fevers are defenses to illness. One recent example that I have come across is a mutation in the gene HLA-B27 which has shown a greater resistance against HIV. Another example mentioned in the article was the perception of pain. The feeling of pain is used as defense so that you’re aware when your body is undergoing some sort of danger. This is just one example of how humans are currently evolving, and the body is changing in ways in order to protect the human species from diseases and illnesses. It is clear that our body evolves certain mechanisms and ways to protect ourselves from different potential risks in the environment.

Another way that humans are evolving is socially. There has been tremendous social evolution thus far and it is continuing greatly. One social aspect that has evolved is the view on same sex marriage and LGBTQ+ rights. Laws previously prohibited same sex marriage and that eventually evolved to allow it. This is just one example as there are many, many examples. Looking back a little further, society evolved to give women rights that weren’t possessed before such as voting and certain jobs. Belief systems, religion, and culture also continues to evolve before our eyes. I would say social evolution is a rather easy aspect to consider since there are so many things that have evolved and are still evolving, and it is more tangible than other evolutionary topics.

This course has done a great job of informing me of many different evolutionary elements. I have learned about things from genes, gene flow and drift, DNA, variation, race, primatology, fossils, etc. All of these different things have helped me to understand evolution in a new way and to have a greater appreciate for the study of evolution and anthropology. I’ve really enjoyed what I have learned in this class and found myself pleasantly surprised with the topics and information.

One thought on “Blog 7

  1. Hello!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post, and I feel like you did a great job acknowledging so key components to how we evolve. I was particularly interested in the way you talked about how we evolve socially. We now have a wide variety of social norms that are consistently changing with younger generations coming up. I also liked that you talked about our internal defense systems. I also touched on this in my post and thought it was interesting just how much our bodies have evolved over time to send us signals about possible infection or disease. I surely did not think my body was helping me fight off disease when I’m having a cough attack before taking this class haha! Great blog post this week!

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