Blog Post 7

Humans have been continuously evolving since we first existed, and there are some clear ways in which we have evolved. Technology has played a huge role in the process of evolving, as we have developed technology to improve and enhance our lives. While some people are worried that the over-reliance on technology could be bad for humans, I think that technology will only help to better our lives and that improving technology is a natural progression for humans.

One way in which humans have evolved is by becoming resistant or developing protective medicine against certain diseases. One example of this is the disease tuberculosis. Tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death from the 1600’s to the 1800’s and specifically impacted young adults the most, which led to less children being born or orphaning the children already born. Nowadays however, tuberculosis is not viewed as much of a threat and can be easily prevented. So what changed? First of all, our technology allowed us to develop a tuberculosis vaccine. This shows how humans identified a threat and made a change to fix it. Secondly, it is believed that humans actually grew to be genetically immune to tuberculosis. There is plenty of research that supports the idea that over time, humans have evolved to be resistant to the tuberculosis disease by strengthening our immune systems. This means that natural selection most likely occurred in humans because those who didn’t get tuberculosis survived and passed down the trait to younger generations and so on. Eventually, almost everyone was immune to the disease and the threat essentially disappeared. I find this to be extremely interesting because it means that the human body is always adapting and finding ways to survive. Hopefully our bodies can continue to evolve to become resistant to the diseases that are major threats today, like cancer. I think that our body will evolve along with our technology so that in a hundred years or so from now, cancer will be only a minor threat to humans.

One interesting way in which humans have evolved is how we get our food, clothing, and other items. In colonial times, people often grew their own food and made their own clothing, relying heavily on themselves for every aspect of their lives. In recent times, we developed supermarkets and malls in which food, clothing, and every other item imaginable was located in one spot. People would travel to these locations and buy all the items they wanted, making it much easier than in colonial times. The new wave that is happening right now is online shopping. Amazon and other online stores have changed how we go about getting our personal items. Now, you can basically buy anything you want from the comfort of your home via the Internet. This evolution shows how humans have strived to make processes easier and more efficient, so much so that you don’t even have to leave your house to survive. I think that online shopping will soon completely replace the traditional way of going to grocery stores or malls because the younger generations will be much more adept at doing things online.

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