Blog Post 7

Evolution has occurred for so long and as time goes on we continue to keep evolving. Since bacteria multiply so fast we are able to see how evolution is occurring. Over time we discovered the reasons for coughing or nausea during pregnancy. For example, nausea actually helps pregnant women by making them feel nauseous around foods that may have a strong taste which may possibly be harmful to the baby. In fact, it is proven that women with more nausea are actually less likely to go through a miscarriage. This helps us realize what is going on with our body. As the article, we read this week even discussed evolutionary biology and how it is now being recognized through medicine and technology. Technology has changed so much over time and as time goes by we are advancing so much which is helping us live better, healthier lives in many different ways. Medicine has helped us cure or find a way to avoid getting certain diseases. We now have vaccines that have helped us prevent these illnesses to occur. Many viruses and diseases that used to kill people in the past are now mostly curable due to today’s medicine. We have evolved through the way we travel which back in the day they used to use horses and carriages while now we are able to drive cars and take airplanes to get to our destination. Individuals used to have to farm their own food and make their clothing from home but in today’s society, we can just go shopping in many different shops in which we may purchase these items. Evolution has also made a difference in our wisdom teeth. Back in the day humans brains and skull narrowed the jaw causing it to be hard for the third molars to grow. Over time food became softer because it was being cooked which lead to less hard chewing compared to the past humans. This then leads to weaker jaw muscles which meant the wisdom teeth didn’t grow as much and stayed under our gums which leads to pain and infections. Many individuals today may not even have their wisdom teeth come out. This actually helped me understand why some of my family members have not had their wisdom teeth come out. Evolution is so important because it mostly helps us live and obtains better lives and environments. It helps us understand the biological issues that affect our lives. It also provides us with answers as to why certain things occur. I always knew that nausea played a big role in pregnancy and always felt bad for my sisters because I saw how much they struggled because of it. Learning why nausea occurs and its benefits made me realize how it actually was a good thing as it helped anything happening to their babies. It’s important that researchers learn and discover the evolutionary patterns that have and continue to occur. This will provide them with more insight on how to evolve and make changes that will benefit human life.

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