week 7

This class has taught me so much about how humans have evolved over time. Evolution is “the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.” When I first started this class I thought it would be like every other typical online class and wouldn’t have me as interested in learning the material. But, I’d have to say this class has by far been the most interesting class I’ve taken offline. I generally feel that I will remember this material for longer just because of how much time I spent reading and learning this material. 

The first biological example of evolution I can think of is modern day human wisdom teeth. Today many human either don’t have wisdom teeth ever in their life or they get them removed. This gives us the assumption that one day all humans won’t be born with wisdom teeth since we aren’t using them. Humans not being born with wisdom teeth shows that now we don’t need them as much as we did in the past. In the past wisdom teeth were absolutely needed because the diets for humans back then contained harder and more difficult food to chew. 

The second trait that has evolved is language. Over time humans used cave art, pictures and sounds to communicate. But now we have hundreds of different language we can use to communicate. The human language stands out so much due to the fact it’s the only language that can express emotion. Humans are constantly adding more words to the dictionary and constantly evolving over time. I wouldn’t be surprised if humans create more and more words in the future since we need new words for things we have not created yet. 

Now for an environmental change. Our earth!!! Over time our earth has lost more and more of its beautiful nature to construction companies turning the property into houses or a brand new shopping mall. Humans are also littering so much and not taking care of our earth. There is currently one hundred and fifty million tons of plastic in our oceans. This is not including the eight million more tons of plastic human garbage that will be dumped in the ocean as well. We are sadly neglecting this wonderful planet we live on. There also is the major fact that we are going through a period of climate change. We are getting crazy weather and very warm winters as a result of climate change.

The last quick cultural trait I wanted to bring up was technology. Over this short period of time humans have evolved so quickly with technology. Most humans now are introduced to technology at a young age and hooked from that point on. It used to be rare for someone to have a TV in their house and now people have several. It blows my mind that just in my twenty years I watched humans that use to spend time socializing and being outside. To now humans that only contact over the phone and never leave their house.

Every day the earth and humans are evolving. Humans have a large pull or push on what way the earth’s evolution can go. If humans decided to cut back on plastic use or drive their car five minutes less a day they could save this earth from the irreversible results of climate change that will happen unless we change our awful habits.

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