Week 7

If this class has taught me anything, it’s that the human race will continue to evolve; it’s just human nature. People will always react differently to economic, political, and social pressures that shape culture from this time into the next. Three major ways I see the modern human behavior evolve is by technological advances, climate change, and societal priorities. What I’ve noticed in the news and in conversation with my family and peers, there are massive changes from my grandparents’ generation to my own. Let’s analyze why.

Technology has made incredible strides within the last ten years and is only growing. Simple, early inventions such as calculators and the modern camera changed the world as we know it by making businesses and daily life easy and more efficient. As technology grows into medical fields, entertainment, and further into day-to-day activities the mind set of behavior of the average person will evolve into an easier lifestyle. This of course varies from region to region as accessibility is not the same everywhere in the world, but technology has the power ranging from extending life spans to creating billion dollar corporations around the world. Behavior has also been morphed by means of communication and socialization, as there are now much different modes of social behavior than there was in my grandmother’s young age-and she is sure to remind me of these differences!

Environmental change also has a lot of impact on modern gene pools. There has been a major shift towards deforestation in the construction of large industries all across the nation. Consequently, the human race has been exposed to more and more pollutants in the air as time goes on and our bodies must acclimate to these toxins for the survival of our race. Human behavior has responded to these issues by now having desperate attempts of a clean energy push both in legislation and grass roots approach. Technological advances allow more opportunity for clean energy sources such as water and solar power. Due to the effects of climate change, extreme weather patterns, humans have the fear to do better on their part to take care of the earth that has been/is treated so poorly.

Lastly, in terms of social views, there has been a lot of evolution in tolerance. A big example that comes to mind is the long overdue legality of equal rights for women, minorities, and LGBQT communities. Our culture has changed so much towards the acceptance of others in many broad fields, that has only lead to a more cohesive nation. I would not say this is true in the past. A lot of schools, churches, work places, and communities are turning into a true melting pot of people and backgrounds that allows for acceptance and understanding of one another. Though the only thing that is a for sure in this world is the guarantee of diversity and change, it’s interesting to see how much influence the human race has in the direction that change occurs. Every choice can be a conscious one.

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