Week 7 Blog

Throughout this course, we have learned about the process of evolution and how it has allowed us to develop into the human beings we are today. Each step of evolution has changed a small detail in human existence, which may have not been a big deal in that time period, though, nowadays it has blossomed into an evolutionary aid to humankind. I have noticed this in multiple ways. For example, our ability in the medical field and our behavioral standpoints on different subjects.

In the medical field, we have been able to evolve in our medicine and treatments in order to help people. From microscopic incisions to finding cures to diseases that would have killed humans hundreds of years ago. Nowadays, we have an incredible amount of hard-working researchers for every subject of medicine that you could possibly think of. Hereditary diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and many more, are being studied by researchers. They are able to look back at the history and genetic makeup of the disease, in order to help find a cure and establish treatment options. My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and because of the technology and advancements in the medical field today, she was able to have her surgery and is already undergoing treatment for it, and everything is going perfectly according to doctors. The genetic makeup of diseases interests me because as scientists, we are now able to find specific genes that cancer can be on. For example, researchers have found that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are called the “BReast CAncer genes”. Every person has both and they do not cause breast cancer, but rather help prevent it. When the gene becomes altered, that is when a person is more likely to develop breast cancer. When my mom was getting a biopsy for breast cancer, her BRCA genes came back normal and cancer ended up being caused by an excessive amount of hormones being produced. I found it amazing how we are able to identify the different types of cancer and causes through our evolution of medicine.

Another thing I noticed was our behavior and how it is affected by the culture that we grow up around. I have been lucky enough to be raised by parents who are extremely accepting about whoever I want to be. I grew up in a community where everyone is accepted no matter skin color, race, sexual preference, etc. I was raised somewhere, which allowed kids in my high school to come out as gay and not be bullied or looked down upon in spite of this. I have family friends who moved down to Missouri when their oldest son was only 1. They have been raised in the church, which I am not saying in any way is bad, though they have a completely different standpoint on the LGBTQ+ community. Their oldest son has told me that he has a friend who is gay, though, they bring him to a church in order to “hopefully change his mind about being gay and seeing it for the sin it is”. It upsets me because the churches that I grew up around are accepting of everyone. It is because of the difference in cultural settings that we grew up in, that has allowed for this difference in mindset.

Overall, we have evolved so much as a species, and I am sure that in a million years, although none of us will be alive to prove this point, that homo sapiens will have evolved even more.

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