Week 7 blog

Humans are continuing to evolve in many ways. From this class, we learned a lot about how far humans have come. We learned about how we have evolved from apes and different hominids that were alive in the past. We, as humans, are continuing to evolve in biological, behavioral, environmental, and cultural traits ways. One thing that has been taking over are dietary views. We always seem to find out what foods that are good for us and what food that we should eat less. We have found studies that backtrack saying that food was once bad for us but now it’s good to eat. There have been studies that show brown rice is better than white rice. We have been told not to eat white rice if we want to live a healthy lifestyle. Now we know that brown rice is only slightly better than white rice. Recently we have found that brown rice is only a bit b Egg for examples were once said to be bad for your diet. Now we know that eggs actually have HDL (high-density lipoprotein Cholesterol) what is known as good cholesterol. Also, professionals said that you should eat too many eggs. I remember people being vegetarians was a big thing and now it’s being Vegan. This culture of being vegan is another way for humans to be healthy and no harm or use animals to survive. Humans are learning different ways in order for them to be healthy and live a longer life without hurting the environment and animals.
Technology is another factor to help humans to continue to evolve. Every year or decades, humans continue to develop new ways in order to make a task easier to do. We can communicate a lot better than the year before. Meeting people in person to communicate is just not necessary. Our phones and computer can connect us with our friends, family and colleagues any time of the day. New technology in the medical field so that surgeons don’t have to use their hand to do surgery. They can do surgery in some cases by using a machine that you control. It pretty impressive because it’s similar to what playing a video game because you have to use your hand-eye coordination in order to do a good job. Another significant innovation in technology that is happening now self-driving cars. A lot of car companies are developing their technology in order for their self-driving car to safe for the common driver to use. Humans are becoming smarter and smarter every year, which shows how we are evolving.
Our bodies are changing to adapt to things we were in the past. We are able to handle extreme temperature better than we were in the past. In the medical field, doctors and scientist have been able to stop deadly diseases from continuing to kill people. Some the diseases we have gotten rid of are smallpox, tetanus, rabies, polio, yellow fever, rinderpest, whooping cough, and measles. This all proves that we are still evolving as humans.

One thought on “Week 7 blog

  1. I found it interesting that you mentioned how frequently public opinion on what foods are healthy or what diet is popular changes, and then followed it up with the evolution of technology because I think these are related. You mentioned how years ago a high egg diet was considered unhealthy but is no longer looked at like that due to HDL. The technological advances made recently have allowed us to not only identify what’s in eggs but also what the physiological role of the different egg components are in humans. Likewise, technology has also made it easier for people who don’t know what they are talking about to spread information quickly. Previously a nutritionist or another expert might design a diet for someone who needs it based on their physical profile. Now anyone can spread what diet they’re on and thousands of people might try it without knowing if its even nutritious much less if it is a good fit for them.

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