Blog 2

After thinking about the statement “evolution is a unifying theme song among many sciences” and what that meant, I began to think about the courses I have taken. I am a double major in Film and Interdisciplinary studies, specifically in sociology and anthropology.  I argue that both of my majors have been helpful in understanding evolution and human variability. Sociology is the study of people and we can use that to look at the evolution of how people interact with others. The world is constantly changing and evolving and most of that has to do with how humans interact with each other. For example, how people interacted with each other in the 1800s is nowhere near how people interacted with each other today. If we think about what we know about the past and people before, they were way different than now. Everything about humans has evolved and I think a good way to see this in the study of sociology. Most people when they think about human evolution think about our physical evolution and I like that this discipline allows me to be able to see beyond that. Film, my other major is one that isn’t a science but I feel that it can still be helpful in our understanding of evolution. film has allowed us to capture moments in history so we are actually able to see what has changed. I think that pictures of people from long ago is especially helpful in seeing the human variability and how much has changed from that point in time until now.

I think the readings and videos had interesting and important points like that I agree and thought was interesting like the fact that with our genes, we are able to trace back as far as the first true humans. Everybody came from a distinct group and I think it is cool to be able to see that. Although the material was interesting, I don’t really think they made me think about my field differently. I chose IDS because it was such a broad range of areas that I could get into and all of which involve studying humans in some kind of light, which I have always wanted to do. So I have always been very aware of how much sociology and anthropology alone has helped us with our understanding of human evolution. I suppose it did make me think about film a little bit deeper and how much it truly had impacted our ideas of evolution. Before reading the articles, I thought about that film has allowed us to see different points in time with photos but I don’t think it really occurred to me how much of an impact it has made, at least in my life. Everything that I know about the past is associated with images I have seen and none of that could be possible without film. I think its cool that it has made such a large impact even though it sometimes goes unnoticed.

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