Blog 2

I personally haven’t taken many science courses but I feel that evolution and human variability connects with my major which is social work. It isn’t personally discussed in this way but social work discusses how it has evolved over time and how much people have changed. In the past social workers didn’t even exist and people were allowed to do whatever they would like with their children. Once social workers came into place things started to change as rules and regulations came in place. Over time things evolved and it had become known that there should be certain rules in place for the safety of individuals living in our society. As we evolved we developed more ways in which individuals may stay safe. Anthropology studies biology, culture, human variations, and evolution while social workers try to study these things to develop an understanding in individuals backgrounds so they may help them. Understanding the depths of things like human variability which focuses on the human values that are physical or mental. This may be things like personality, immunology, and physical appearance. As human’s evolved different areas looked and developed different mindsets. These changes are crucial for a social worker to know and understand so they may better assist individuals. This will help people feel that they may trust you. It also makes the person feel more comfortable and open with the social worker.

The readings this week really helped me develop a better understanding and connection between anthropology and social work. In social work, you learn about the many cultures and their cultural beliefs. In the readings, I learned about each population’s genetic markers which were shared to people close to one another. This then created regional patterns of variation which helped us find our ancestors which helps us see some connections as to who we are. Without knowing about evolution it would be difficult to understand things about your present life without reflecting on your past. This helps me realize how we discuss evolution in a lot of my social work classes but the term “evolution” isn’t used as much. Due to how much we have evolved we are learning about past mistakes and how we may work towards betterment for the future. I do believe that Alters and Alters were correct when they said evolution should be discussed in schools. Although it may be difficult for some teachers to discuss its still an important topic that everyone should learn about so they may come up with there own conclusions about evolution. I also think that it is very beneficial that these days we may track our genes to learn what group of people that we came from. In the field of social work, I learn a lot about people having an identity crisis and wanting to learn more about themselves so I think it’s useful for people to have the opportunity to learn at least something about themselves. All of these things just show how much we have evolved as a society and how much we are working towards learning about the past so we may improve on our futures.

One thought on “Blog 2

  1. You’ve made a very good connection between evolution and your major! I would have never thought that it could connect so well to social work, but you have found a unique way to look at it. Looking at evolution from the behavior perspective is very important in social sciences and I have been able to do a similar thing with psychology. Having this information is very useful for social work as you mentioned, there are many different aspects to evolution both physical and mental. By having a better understanding of people and where they come from you will be able to excel in your career. Culture is also a very important aspect of evolution and social work. Knowing how to connect with a diverse group of people will be very helpful!

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