Blog Post 2

Throughout my four years here at Michigan State University I have not learned much about anthropology or evolution. My major is Political Science so in terms of evolution in science and how we have evolved, it is not discussed very often. I have however, learned a lot about how politics has been evolving over time. We have also learned about how the judicial system has changed, and how often laws must be changed due to our lives evolving. I believe that things like this do correspond to science based evolution though because all aspects of our life must adapt as humans are constantly evolving. As our personality, immunology, and physical appearances are changing, so does our wants and needs from politics and our government. As humans have evolved, different issues have arisen and become important and we had to be able to try and adapt to solve these. Understanding how these things are changing is crucial for politicians to understand so they can try to resolve them. Prior to this class, I did not realize how much evolution has affected aspects of my major so it is interesting to be making and learning about these connections. 

A key point I got out of the article is how evolution really does affect everything in our lives. I believe that a lot of people just correlate evolution to science and do not realize how much broader of a topic it is. In the article it says, “Evolution is therefore a unifying theme among many sciences, providing students with a framework by which to understand the natural world from many perspectives.” It talks about how evolution has close connections with philosophy, literature, the arts and many more topics. I learned how important it can be to help us know and understand science, ourselves and our history as a whole. I think that the overall topic of evolution is a huge door opener. Once you can understand the basics of it, it can lead you to understanding many other topics in a much deeper context. 

Another important topic covered in the article is the arguments over the education of evolution. I strongly believe the evolution process should be included in science curriculum because of its extensive connections to many other parts of our lives. Evolution is a key part of humanity as it explains how we came to be and how we are changing and adapting to lifestyle and environmental changes everyday. Without the understanding of evolution, science wouldn’t be as complex and developed as it is now.

As I mentioned earlier, the information I have learned in these articles has helped me realize how much of a connection evolution has to my major, Political Science and many other topics in general. Understanding evolution has helped me understand how our changing needs as individuals is affecting politics and how politicians work. These connections makes me eager to continue this class and learn more about anthropology and help me understand my major from a completely new perspective. 

2 thoughts on “Blog Post 2

  1. Hello! I really resonate with your discussion of evolution being included in our education system. During my last blog post comment, the thought occurred to me that some people do not believe in evolution. I was wondering how those people can reconcile the research of it, as well as all of the applications and explanations it has in our modern-day world. Furthermore, I think that what you said about evolution being a key part in our changing and adapting is crucial to the point I just made, as well as some of the broader themes of anthropology and other disciplines that try to explain humans in general. To dig even deeper into that idea, I think that evolution not only shows how we all got to be so different and lively, but also is that unifying force Alters and Alters talks about. If we never questioned our differences, we could never learn about our similarities either. After all, we’re all human!

  2. I think it is really interesting how you tied in the idea of evolution into your major. I have never really thought about how evolution and changes in humans would affect the realm of political science. It makes sense though how if our relationships between each other are changing then it would require a change in our judicial systems and legislative systems. I agree completely that as we have evolved different issues have arose that we need to adapt to and create new solutions to so it would help having a political science point of view in addition to understanding the evolution behind these concepts. Overall, I think your blog did a great job summarizing the article and relating it to your field of study even though it isn’t the first thing people think of when you think of evolution it still is impacted by the process and remains important to think about when understanding how evolution continues to impact us.

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