Harris Week Blog 2

After reading Alters and Alters, it’s a quote that’s state that, “evolution is a unifying theme among many sciences.” Which is interesting because in my personal experiences in science courses and in my declared major, my specific field understands evolution and human variability the same as any other field. Something that is a broad topic and something you can believe after hearing different stories, theories about evolution of the world, education, humans, and biology. Evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection.  It has particular significance for development of psychology and notions of adaptation, species and habitats. Its also a very controversial topic that gives different start up points, different stories, explanations and theories about how the earth was really made and how it evolved. Its also based on one religious beliefs and practices. For instant the big bang theory, a leading explanation about how the universe began. Saying that the universe as we know it started very small, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos. Another theory was about how dinosaurs were the first ones here and got destroyed by a meteor. Evolution can’t contain a well- rounded background in science without learning how controversial it is. Its so many ideas that would make sense of evolution, but you don’t really know how everything started foreal.  In a way learning about evolution is important because it answer keys to the biological sciences such as organisms, species, and the diversity of all things. Providing conceptual foundations in science of the ecology, genetics, and systematics that explains aspects in anthropology, astronomy, and geology. Giving people and students the most understanding of the natural world and many perspectives about this controversial topic about evolution.  

Personal experiences in science classes from astronomy, geography and ISS that Ive had sense elementary school to college has processed me to think about the world in one notion. The notion that we all started as one atom, and over the billions of years we combined and that’s how we were created. From dinosaurs to mammoths, from cave man to sea creatures. The creation of the world and the creation of evolution made me question a lot about what I’ve been taught over the many years I’ve been in school. Is this how we were made. Are dinosaurs real?  Did scientist lie about finding fossils just to hide the truth. Why did we only have tom learn that the earth is round, is it flat? Its so many questions that couldn’t be answered because we were only taught one way, and as soon a conspiracy theory surfaced. These videos and readings didn’t make me think about my field in no way. Just based off of my school experiences, and conspiracy theories like I stated. The evolution of everything has a big question mark.

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