Tang Week 2 Blog Post

Alters and Alters have stated that evolution is regarded as a unifying theme among many sciences. I agree with this statement based on the readings, videos and the lecture notes that I have come across this week and from my personal perspective as well. From my personal experience in science courses, I can say that the specific field that I am studying understands evolution and human variability in a diverse manner. From what I came across and came to learn in the readings, evolution is considered as the basic context when it comes to all biological sciences. Evolution can be explained along biological lines so that one can fully understand what it is that it means. One way that this has been achieved is that biology has been able to explain the manner in which organisms of today got to be the way they are thus making sense out of the history of life. From this reading, I have been able to understand more about the issue of evolution as something that can be related to biology. Besides that, the readings have also been categorical in giving light of the manner in which organisms across different species have many similarities even though they are diverse in nature. The readings are similar to what has been explained about evolution in the sense that biology tends to answer some of the key questions regarding living organisms such as how we breathe and how other living organisms such as fish are able to live in water and breathe at the same time. There is diversity in this in the sense that the human beings cannot survive in water while breathing while the fish would not survive outside water. Evolution therefore tends to explain the mechanism behind this concept and the way living organisms came to be and their existence in terms of survival. Therefore, I can say that my specific field understands evolution as the way living organisms came to be and the similarities that are found in the living organisms. However, there is also the issue of human variability in the sense that humans are diverse and very different from each other. Even though the human beings breathe from the same air and evolved the same way, there is a difference when it comes to the behavioral characteristics of human beings. Behavioral characteristics differ from one individual to the other and this is largely attributed to may factors such as background and the external environment. The readings this week have also made me think different about my field because they have pointed out the issue of genetics as something that plays an important role when it comes to evolution. Genetics differ and this is another area that can explain the variability of human beings. Evolution has been instrumental in bringing out important issues such as the variability that can exist when people are from different genetical backgrounds. It can be explained by looking at evolution influence on human beings and living organisms.

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