Week Two Blog

My major is Human Development and Family Studies. This major has many theories that it follows. All of these theories at some part are built on over time. They have gone through changes to adjust to the way of life as time moves forward instead of dwelling on the past. This is a very important and beneficial aspect of my major because it allows me to learn from the past as well as experience the present. One of the theories that stood out to me was the Human Ecological Theory. It focused on genetics and the environment. Instead of focusing on nature versus nature, which I’ve seen a lot, the focus was on nature AND nurture. This is the closest I have gotten in my major to focusing on genes. I have taken other science classes such as anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and some biology classes. However, none of these classes had an anthropological focus which allowed me to pay close attention to evolution. I do remember talking about evolution in high school and learning about how humans evolved from primates. I also remember learning about natural selection but not as in depth as I learned about it in my science classes I have taken at Michigan State University. 

I plan on applying to the Accelerated Nursing Program at MSU this December so learning more about pretty much anything is beneficial to me. Nursing is something that allows you to have tons on knowledge because it just increases your bedside manner. It is a way for you to better understand and interact with your patients. This anthropology course will make me more knowledgeable with all of the different resources it provides. The article, “The 2% Difference,” helped me understand just how similar we are to chimpanzees. I knew we had some similarities, but I did not realize that we are 98% similar to chimpanzees. The article stated that the brain of chimpanzees and humans barely have any differences, but still they are different enough to make a difference. This article showed me how much of a difference even one small change can make.

I thought it would be hard to connect my major to anthropology. However, Human Development and Family Studies focuses on exactly that, human development. Understanding how evolution works is helpful because it shows you how we (humans) got where we are today. Just imagining how much natural selection has made a difference over the years. How little changes brought us where we as humans are today. Understanding these small differences is important not only in anthropology but in other fields as well because it shows how much progress has been made whether that’s over a period of days, weeks, months, or years. The only difference is that anthropology has a focus on evolution while other fields provide their attention on other topics important to their field. 

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