Week 2 blog

Being a human biology major, I have been exposed to many science courses that go from replication of virus processes to anatomy to organic chemistry, but not one until now really explained the meaning and went into depth about the linkage of evolution with my major. I defiantly think that evolution and human variability is important to understand if you want to be familiar with science, humans and DNA.

I was first introduced to evolution at a young age, about middle school, learning the basics that evolution is the heritable changes of a species over generations (parent to offspring). As I got older, I grew to know more how we are all evolving from a common ancestor and this is how we can use biology. We all have DNA, bones, and other physical and genetic similarities that we can research and study to use to our benefit. We can examine changes of where evolution occurred and try and link if there was a genetic mutation, an environmental factor or any other natural factor that makes a change derive in a generation. I wish that certain classes such as a biology course or even anatomy touched on evolution a little more ind depth and link it with the information they are presenting.

I’m not sure if this goes with this topic but just this week I learned how they modified the HIV virus and are injecting people with Sick Cell to change the DNA and genetic code to get normal blood cells back and its working. This reminded me of evolution because of how they used the information and how they researched this “cure”. I think its so crucial to study evolution especially in cases like this because it gives us a bigger spectrum of question we can ask to investigate why something happened or why something changed and how to fix it. Thats why I was kind of shocked when first reading this Alters PDF when he states how parents did not want their child to learn about evolution. As he mentions “its the basic context of all the biological sciences”. Learning about evolution can give us such a bigger grasp of the history and science behind us and not even in a biological settings, but also physiology as well. It really does give us the anserws to why things are the way they are and could possibly detect how the future will be.

One thought on “Week 2 blog

  1. I was shocked too when I read Alters and Alters when it stated that parents did not want their children to learn about evolution. Then I remembered back to some of my classes when I was in middle and high school, one of the reasons for parents not wanting to let their children to learn about evolution. Church and science were having a conflict with each other. A lot of people were putting their religion into the mix and didn’t believe evolution was true. They believed God created humans and humans did not evolved from animals. I also did not know about how HIV virus was modified and they are injecting people with sickle cell to change the DNA and genetic code to get normal blood cells back to being normal. I found that very interesting.

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