Blog 3

Coming from thinking in a more scientific background, I would assume no matter what race a human being is, biologically and genetically each homosapien varies a little amount from one an other. Through out history though, that is not the thoughts of many people. First mentioned in the American Anthropological Association (AAA), most people when thinking of race, think of human beings grouped and divided together in regards to which physical traits/ethnicity, backgrounds and beliefs they are. Researches say how this assumption and idea of race started back when the English and other Europeans came to aMerican to settle. They used this notion to have people that looked different than them, African Americans and Indians, be inferior to them and be their salves so they can rule and take over leadership themselves. It is deranged and sad that this made up idea of classifying people is still seen so much in today’s society and people still ignoring the science facts.
In the AAA article it further goes to explain physical variations how there are differences in skin colors, hair texture, etc. from environmental changes and conditions people have gotten used to from living in a certain condition/ geographical area. It further states that “evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic “racial” groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes”. This proves how there really isn’t a big difference biologically between races and physical differences should not be what is judged. In the AAPA article it really solidified what I just previously mentioned. It states how “all humans living today, belong to a single species, Homo sapiens, and share a common descent.”
I think there is too big of an emphasis on this concept “Race” that blows peoples thoughts on it in a completely different way than it should. I would explain the non-existence of biological race to a person who was unfamiliar with this topic by first explaining no matter what physical differences we have from one an other, what “race” one would classify someone as, we all evolved from a common decent. These two articles do a great job giving facts and explaining the true meanings of physical differences that involve geographical variations.

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One thought on “Blog 3

  1. Hi Pagona I really enjoyed reading your blog about this weeks topic. I liked that you added in the percent differences that were mentioned in the AAA article. I think it is so crazy that from genetic analysis conventional geographic racial groupings only accounted for a 6% difference in genes. Since that is such a small difference when analyzing all of an individuals DNA it is remarkable that such a ignorant and socially constructed prejudicial system has been in place for so long. It is important moving forward since prejudice and discrimination based on race is still in place across the world, that more people are educated on the fact that other factors like environment, and geographic areas impact the differences in our physical characteristics significantly more than any sort of biological and genetic ones.

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