Blog Post Week 3

I really enjoyed analyzing the Statement on Race from the AAPA and AAA. In fact, reading this and learning about what they have to say directly relates to my current internship. I am working on the Diversity and Inclusion team at DTE Energy. Therefore, learning about this really grasps my interest. First, with the AAPA I was happy to see that they pointed out the fact that the popular conceptualizations of race are derived from scientific formulations, where before this time it was simply based on skin color and features. It is important to point out that there is a difference between the two. Especially, because this was pointed out in the lecture. The AAPA then points out the fact that these positions support racial concepts. Then, when talking about their specific position they state that all humans living today belong to a single species, Homo sapiens. I believe this is extremely important for a community of scientists to point out to show that there really is no difference between all human beings when you look back on evolution. Next, it is explained that biological differences between humans are hereditary factors and the influence of natural and social environments. In addition, there is genetic diversity within all human populations, pure races do not exist today in the human species. Furthermore, scholars have searched to comprehend patterns in nature by classifying livings things; therefore, the Homo sapiens. 

Next, I read the AAA’s statement of race. The AAA took a similar stand on race as the AAPA. However, the AAA’s statement gives specific numbers and data. For example, the evidence from the analysis of genetics indicates that most physical variation, about 94% lies within racial groups. The conventional geographic “racial” groupings differ from one another with only about 6% of their genes. This is similar to how in lecture it is said that the variability in human groups is greater than the variability between them. In addition, physical variations in any given trait occur gradually over geographic areas. Plus, since the physical traits are inherited independently from one another, there is no way to predict the presence of another from the range of one trait. Establishing lines of division among these biological populations are arbitrary and subjective. Today, the scholars of America recognize race as a social mechanism created in the 18thcentury to refer to the populations brought together in colonial America. Moreover, leaders of European-Americans fabricated the cultural characteristics associated with each race linking superior traits with the Europeans and the inferior traits with the blacks and Indians. In conclusion, the AAA views race as an ideology about human differences that was used to separate, divide, rank, and control multiple colonized groups across the world. Now, human cultural behavior is learned and conditioned. No human is born with a “built-in” culture or language. Moreover, related to the statement by AAPA, all humans belong to the single group of Homo sapiens. Ultimately, we are all related more than some believe. I truly enjoyed the way that the AAA and AAPA have used science to prove that the way we have worked our society in the past and still today is merely based on a social construct and we should focus on the true data. 

Word Count: 543

2 thoughts on “Blog Post Week 3

  1. Hey Emily!
    First off i think you did a great job at summarizing both articles and pulling out the information that was important and allowed me to not only be informed but to get to know you stance on things as well!
    In my opinion, the quote that you pulled out of the AAA article about our genetic makeup when it is compared person to person and how we only differ 6 percent from other races was the most mind blowing fact in my opinion! I also like how you defined race not only in modern terms, but also dug back and found why the “modern” ideas of race were created in the 18th century and what it did for them back then and how it in turn affects our everyday lives today!
    Great job!

  2. Hey Emily,

    Very insightful post and congratulations on your internship! I previously worked for DTE Human Resources department as an intern two years ago and I had a great time. You summarized this week’s lesson and both articles perfectly, and you gave a great understanding on each’s group position on the topic. My blog post was very similar to yours, I pointed out the fact that AAA pulled data to prove their point. I felt AAA article was an overall better article because I received a better understanding on the topic itself. I really like how you highlighted AAA statement on race being an ideology, and a social mechanism. I feel like AAPA failed to do this and missed a huge key point on why race is so prominent and why the non-existence of biological race is hard to explain.

    Good job on the post I look forward to reading more in the future.

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