Week 4 Blog

Non-human primates provide information on human evolution because of the similarities they both have. For example, chimpanzees and humans have a lot of similar behaviors. They eat meat, live in large communities, and spend plenty of time on the ground. Most importantly they have similar DNA which helped discover more about human evolution. The link that I enjoyed reading the most and surprised me the most was What Is War Good for? Ask a Chimpanzee. This article provided a lot of information on apes and monkeys connection with human aggression. The most surprising part of the article was the statement “some anthropologists to suggest that an instinct to kill may be a grisly trait that humans and chimpanzees inherited from their common ancestor some 7 million years ago.” While I knew that there were many similarities between both I was quite surprised and disappointed that the instinct to kill was one of them. It discussed how violence was not just committed for no reason but in fact, violence was only done depending on the circumstances. Spider monkeys also helped us learn about human evolution because about 35 million years ago spider monkeys actually separated from chimpanzees and humans. This meant that we can not say that humans and chimps are both engaging in violence due to ancestry. Although it may not be because of ancestors it is said that it may be because of the similar social lives that both go towards violence. This shows us just how living similar lives even as different species still leads to so many similar attributes. Studying nonhuman primates has and will continue to help us understand our own biology, culture, and behavior. This is due to many reasons but one of the biggest reasons is because there are so many similarities between both of us that we may learn why certain actions are done. It also may provide us insight on how we may change things. I also believe that studying animals or other species may only help educate us. As we have continued studying these primates we have already discovered so many similarities and differences between us. Our ancestors are the same and we may look at how we have evolved over time. This may help us see what has done us well and what has done us bad. I found it really interesting that we have so many similarities with chimps as I have always heard of some similarities but this has shown me that they are really close to us. This also helped me realize how important it is in society to be paying attention to chimps so we may learn more about our past as well as our future. It’s interesting to see things like communication within chimps versus humans as well as the cultural attributes that we each have in our societies. As I read in the article about how human ecology and biology allows us to be the most violent today. Although we may be the most violent we also can be the most empathetic and cooperative individuals.

One thought on “Week 4 Blog

  1. Hi Bushra,
    I also thought the article ‘What is War Good For?’ was also very interesting. I think the quote about the instinct to kill was very interesting as well. Many of the points you brought up were very relevant and great!

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