Week 5 Blog post

From last week to this week’s content everything is  ensuing and last week’s material is preceding this week’s content with the information we could use to bridge the gap in the transition process of chimpanzees to humans.I want start with reflecting on the dating methods and how each type of dating methods can provide us information about the fossil and eccentric ways all types of dating methods are used, such as the principle of superposition. Principle of superposition is noteworthy technique used as one the dating methods for reasons of persistent results attain using various subjects of nature. Furthermore it can give us an insight of age and environment in which early humans ancestors were living in. If observed and studied tree rings, we would get a better understanding of how old the fossils are, what are some of the effects climate has an effect and understand the decaying process of the fossil remains. All the information derived from fossilized skeletal remains of early humans ancestors as described and discussed above can help anthropologists reconstruct and  learn from the past, than educate and published understanding of human ancestry to general audience along with educating them about how we have evolved. 

When anthropologists find their excavation site in various parts of Africa and South America they have noticed certain differences in some of the traits shared by all hominis, after studying collected pieces, they noted the differences in their molars, limbs and skeleton structures. All of this signals to diversity in hominis illustrates how our evolution is influenced by hominis because we compare presents of certain traits in our history for example popping up of a nerve when our thumb and pinky figure are connected, that is feature is one which has evolved with modern humans because possibility of someone have this feature less prominent. Our feature or trait are at a constant state of evolving because our environment is changing and diverse groups of traits has and will assist in our survival similar to hominis. 

Diversity of hominins traits are beneficial on informing us on modern human evolution but basis biological ones are as effective. The ones I want to discuss is brain, bipedalism, proximal limb differences. First of all, I want to start with proximal limbs, for chimpanzees their lower limbs are smaller than upper limbs, I think the change occurs when the population has to move from forested lands to plains where they have to walk more than climb surface to get to point A to B vs.if  we observe modern humans we travel that distance through walking, and probably longer distance travel, made a shift in sizes of out proximal limbs and change in early human ancestor going from quadalism to bipedalism. Lucy is a great gift for anthropologist and primatologist into connecting the dots as per how early humans starting beginning bipedalism with the help of our knuckles to now walking on feet supported by our femur and tibia bone respectively.Brain is the most significant part of our human body which is most commonly compared with small chimp like brain but it is quite large and compare to early humans have gotten bigger because of learning capability and  using of various skills like language and cooking etc. All of these and many more hominis traits are effective to use and learn about modern humans.

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