Week 4 post

This weeks focus brought great focus to some things I would have never been able to focus on. For example one thing that stood out to me this week was the term “primates”. When we look at animals like monkey, gorillas, and chimpanzees we may not focus a lot on the differences from one another, but to compare these animals to humans is very interesting. With primates we learn that humans and some animals fit into this category due to being social, smart, and very adept at using hands. Also, being very vocal communicative, move around in wide variety of ways. Overall, we are able to look at behaviors that each species carry as well as way each species are able to do certain things mobile.

Another thing that stuck out to me a lot is the polyandry. I never looked at female animals like gorillas or chimpanzees or even monkeys for that matter to be “promiscuous”. Of course that term will only ring a bell in the “human world”, but to think about it human woman are like that in the human world. Female species have the ability to mate with different partners if they can, but the logic of this is that they can and the body is very powerful. Male species only compete with each other when it comes to mating, which is very understandable. The goal here is to understand the connection humans and non-human species are similar and or different. Looking at behavioral characteristics is not enough to focus on. I believe the ability to understand the living environment, eating habits, and their all around daily life. Human carry so may great characteristics as a whole. Being able to fully understand non-human characteristics brings great insight with this topic. Human evolution as a whole is a pretty great focus point when you are dealing with different aspects, but to mainly study evolution, like the well roundness of the different species.

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