Tang Week 5 Blog Post

Over the past few weeks, I have had an opportunity to learn more about human biology especially when looking at the living organisms such as human beings and the non-primates as well. It has been a great learning experience and I can say that I have been able to gain considerable knowledge on some of the issues or rather traits that are common in humans as well as the non-primates. In this reflection, I would like to point out the hominin traits that can inform us about modern human biology.

From the readings that I have read and the videos that I have watched in this class, I can say that I have come across hominin traits, which I feel can inform us about modern human biology. From what I gathered in the readings and the videos, the first hominin trait that I feel can inform us about modern human biology is bipedalism. Bipedalism is a hominin trait that can inform us about modern human biology because it implies that they have the ability to walk on two legs. This is a trait that can inform us about modern human biology because the trait can be compared to the manner in which human beings behave.

Human beings have evolved from what I have learned from the evolution story and it has reached a point where they can be able to walk with two legs and in an upright manner. When compared to the way that the evolution story tells us about the manner in which the hominid would walk such as the homo habilis and homo erectus, there is a similarity that can be used to explain modern day biology in the sense that homo sapiens are now able to walk on two legs thus explaining the evolution theory.

The second trait about hominids that I came across that can be used to explain the modern-day biology is big brains. It is evident to note that the brain or rather the skull has been known to increase in size with the passage of time. The reason for this increase in size has been for the purposes of allowing for the enlargement of the hominid brain. This concept of the brain is

something that can be used to explain modern day biology because it means that evolution is taking place in the sense that the hominid brain is evolving. The brain has also changed in shape with the skull showing a round face and more forehead.

From the evolution that has taken place, it is evident that hominin diversity has affected human evolution because of the different stages and changes that have been experienced in terms of development. For instance, there has been diversity in the way they handle tools and the way that they walk, which can be reflected in human beings as well. The fossilized skeletal remains of early human ancestors can help anthropologists reconstruct and learn from the past when they compare the bone and skull structures to be able to understand how evolution of humans has taken place.

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