Blog 7

Indeed, humans have and will continue to evolve as time progresses. This class has taught me so much from how homo sapiens first started out, to our knowledge, to how they are now and how they have grown, developed, and changed through such a  long period of time. It is almost a complete transformation. It amazes me to see how far our species has come because it just shows how much we can still change. Back then, we more resembled apes then how we look today. We have adapted characteristics and traits that help us survive in the world.

 For example, traits that have changed are height, head size, teeth, bulkiness and many more.  The biggest physical trait that was adapted, over four million years ago, is bipedalism. This trait is so important to me and one that I use every hour of almost every day. I could not imagine living without this adaption, I do what I do with this trait. Not only have physical traits changed but also the ways in which we interact with the environment have changed so drastically. Millions of years ago, our species lived with little shelter hunting for each meal. Now, we live in extravagant homes with everything we could need and so much more. Everything is in our fingertips nowadays, unlike how we lived so so long ago. Another example showing how we have evolved are how we take care off our offspring. We have become much more protective and involved in the lives of our offspring. Also, a huge change is that our behavior has become very modernized and changed 180 from back then. Millions of years ago, It was all about surviving, but now people are thriving and truly living and experiencing all the world has to offer. People would never live in a cave or out in the open, like they did back then. Humans have become much more privileged to the luxuries of life and could not live without the amazing luxuries such as:heat, air conditioning, and even a roof over our heads. I could not imagine how much harder life was and just surviving in general it was back then for our ancestors. These are only a few of the many ways in which homo sapiens have changed physically, mentally, behaviorally, and environmentally since the beginning of time to the modern day human that we know and our familiar with now.

Overall, homo sapiens have changed in more ways that I can even imagine. I can only imagine what we don’t know. Also, how much farther can we go. What will humans look like in 4 million years from today? It is absolutely crazy to think how our species started and how much we have changed to adapt and survive in the world today. This class has opened my eyes to the importance of history and research because without these things, we would have no idea where we started, how we have evolved, and how we can grow even more.


2 thoughts on “Blog 7

  1. Hi Sarah,
    I also agree that this class had taught me many things from how homo sapiens first started out to how we are still evolving today. I also agree that bipedalism is an important trait that we have. I don’t think about it much day to day, but it’s crazy all we use it for. I also liked how you brought up the point of caring for offspring. I think it really makes a difference in how we live today. I liked that you ended with the question of what will we look like in 4 million years. It’s crazy to think about how we might evolve. If you lived 4 million years ago you would never imagine the way we are today, so it’s hard to even think about. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Sarah! At the end of your post you said that you are interested in seeing what we are 4 million years from now and I am right with you! If we have come this far in 3 million years, what will another 3 million years be? I was saying in my post that our bodies are somewhat does evolving to big extents but I think the world around us will be the thing evolving which will force us to change our lifestyles to fit in that environment. Technology for example will soon be running literally everything and when that happens will our complex brains even be needed anymore? So in a way did evolution make it so we have these smart brains to create technology and then technology allows us to get less smart and most backwards? The future has so many questions with so many possibilities. I read an article saying how people are trying to recreate dinosaurs. Well we both know that is a dumb idea because that would literally be recreating a world that we did not exist in. This course has seriously gotten me thinking so much about how much we still do not know even though we know so much. Thank you for sharing and good luck with your next semester!

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