Week 7: The Journey Continues

I think one big way that humans are continuing to evolve has to do with gene flow. Like mentioned in the lecture when it discussed colonialism and the huge flow of European populations to the New World (United States). We also learned about the Irish Potato famine that brought a ton of immigrants to the United States and therefore increased the gene flow during that time as well. I think that this is still happening but at a greater extent now. With all the increases in technology and transportation it is way easier for us to travel anywhere we want to in the world. This allows for a much faster rate of people moving and living in different areas across the world that enables a faster rate of gene flow than ever before. In modern times, with how developed and industrialized the United States is it is a commonly desired home for people from all over the world. Therefore, I think that sooner rather than later we will continue to adapt and evolve as a species with an increasing melting pot home full of diversity.

Another way that we are continuing to evolve has to do with natural selection. Like mentioned a lot of previous diseases that would wipe out large percentages of populations like small pox, plagues and other diseases we have vaccinations for due to modern medical advancements. This has allowed us an advantage against these diseases that previously affected large populations. However, with these amazing new medical advancements it also is a concern for our future ability to fight off new diseases and old. With the increasing use of antibiotics it sets us up for the risk of resistant bacteria with the prolonged use of the same sorts of medications. Therefore, in the future I am sure there will be something similar to Ebola or Zika where we do not have the medications ready to treat these conditions as soon as they start to appear.

I think the idea of mutations that we learned about is really interesting. Especially the part mentioned about genetic engineering. We are already able to do incredible things like In Vitro Fertilization so thinking about being able to genetically modify the human genome to make it even more advantageous is a really interesting thought. Being able to modify problematic genes or completely create new ones that will offer more benefits for us as a species is fascinating. With all of our technology and other advancements I think that we as a species will be able to continue to create new amazing things that will only benefit our survival as a whole and will continue to advance the way our world works.

Overall, this course has been extremely interesting and has offered a lot of new insight into how I think about us as a species in relation to our common ancestors and the world. It has been a lot of fun to learn more about what makes us us and to understand how we will continue to change just like we have to get where we are now.

2 thoughts on “Week 7: The Journey Continues

  1. Hi Amelia,

    I wanted to start off by saying that you did a great job with your reflection. You incorporated this weeks readings really well in support as to what traits are evolving in humans currently. I agree when you said that immigration has contributed to the gene flow especially now with people are seeking asylum.

    You further explained the evolution of diseases that are now creating a resistants against vaccinations. Another factor I think would also have to do with how some people are not wanting to get vaccinated which hinders those who are because of the mutation these disease acquire.

    Another note I want to make is your explanation on Vitro Fertilization, I agree how it fascinating yet scary that we can genetically modify our genes. It reminds me of a film that I watched in my Horror film course titled ” Gattaca”. This movie is about “a genetically inferior man assumes the identity of a superior one in order to pursue his lifelong dream of space travel” (imdv.com). I know that the movie quality is not the best since it was made in 1997 but trust me it was really interesting to watch. I’ll attach a link if you choose to look into it 🙂


  2. Hi, I really liked your blog post and how you have connected all the methods discussed in the lecture regards to how modern can and will evolve is great. When describing your example for gene flow, I like to add how the current state of human migration, how refugee crisis is most managed humanitarian crisis to also affect gene flow because people are scattered everywhere which can also be applied to genetic drift and natural selection. This a great detour into how natural selection works and how its the test of fitness species with adaptive ability to certain environment. Diseases are another factor of natural selection, where chronic diseases like diabetes can affect the fitness of a population and other diseases like Ebola can wipe out communities. Overall your blog made some really great points, and good luck on your future adventures.

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