Blog Post 7- Human Evolution

In this course, I learned about the evolution of humans and how our behavior has alternated since the beginning of mankind. There are a few ways that this course has taught me life lessons, first about how we became who we are today, and the traits we developed through human interaction. To begin, the human population started approximately around 200,000 years ago. When the first patch of humans appeared on Earth, we were dynamically similar, but with different phenotypes. Now in biological speaking, humans have evolved over time through economic structures, religion, and most importantly reproduction of populations. In reference of this course, “Biology affects culture, and Culture affects biology” was reference roughly in this class to explain the overall impact that humans spark to start the evolution. Biology affects the culture of humans by the human population varying in size and mating with distinctive characteristics within a certain groups culture. Furthermore in the modern era, humans are still continuing to evolve through gene flow. Gene flow changes the pattern of the genes by migrating the traits from person to person. This defines the extension of human variability. We all derive some features from our ancestors, whether it’s an eye color, skin tone, or even your hair color. In a biological standpoint, we all derived from somewhere and that is through the generations who lived before us. However, our behavior has alternated over time. Currently, our behavior has impacted the way we view living life. Commonly, we see humans shape their behaviors by psychological traits. Meaning humans enter a phase of life in the stages of adolescence, parenthood, and retirement. Throughout these stages, we experience forming multiple relationships such as family bonds or friendships. Humans are constantly seeking the division between social classes. Dividing the classes of income is what stabilizes our economy. For example, low-income citizens will likely bond with other low-income people, while people who are wealthy will interact and usually live closer in distance. The reason is because we want to form bonds with people who can relate to each other. Including to that,  we tend to connect with each other more who has similar qualities rather than forming large groups as it was in the past. Some people who form from smaller groups into larger groups is because of the genetic drift. This drifts explains the environment we interact with based on the people that are close nearby. In today’s world, humans tend to live in either an Urban or Suburban area. The environmental aspect has evolved into a civilized world rather than terrestrial life in the past. The current atmosphere allows people to stay secure in their own bubble, but unless someone tries to intertwine with that. Besides that, I learned that the culture that we live in currently varies based on where someone may live and their religion. For example, in the Middle East, women are not allowed to expose their bodies in public in contrast to American women who has freedom of expressing who they want to be. Culturally speaking, our religion is what determines who we tend to interact with. The variations in culture now could be the “mother and child bond” At the early ages of our infant years, the very first bond an infant has is with their mother. A mother’s gift to the child is to protect, feed, and build an effective relationship. In conclusion, humans evolved way before mankind existed because we learn to adapt by learning from each other.

One thought on “Blog Post 7- Human Evolution

  1. Hey Josh!
    I really like the direction you took with your post, I never really thought about evolution in terms of relationships before so your post was really interesting to read. Your post makes me wonder about the future of our outward relationships, like if instead of becoming more divided based on things like wealth we’ll be able to break through that barrier and connect with different people. You noted that in the past we had larger groups, so I wonder if you think it’s possible that we might return to this? Though, if we are being honest, this is probably just wishful thinking on my part. But who knows? We are constantly evolving so maybe it’s not too far out there to think this way.

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