W7 Reflection Blog Post

There are many ways that have been observed and seen with humans continuing to evolve. While there are biological, behavioral, environmental ways that affect humans evolving that were listed in the prompt, what the summary video of the course I felt really focused on is that humans evolving is extremely caused by different cultural standards around the world. And from how it has affected humans in the past to get to where we are today, I feel culture are also evolving humans currently prominently.

An example is religion such as the Amish, where they tend to connect with those with the same cultural beliefs as them. This leads to their own group being unique for the rest of the community around them because they will only interact with other Amish people. The Amish are also an examples of genetic drift. This is due to them not having a tendency to interact with others outside of their cultural group, so they have unique traits to only them and can tend to look different from people that are in their community as well due to their culture group as an influence.

A biological trait that are currently evolving humans currently as well is natural selection. Natural selection has been a well-known term and this definitely affects humans to evolve today. The way we decide on a mate really does make a difference in the human population. We avoid people with inherited DNA as us and so that can lead to either similar or different people in culture and can also lead to different traits in our offsprings. While natural selection is mostly focused on being able to survive and the fitness of the organism, this term can also apply to humans, where we tend to pick mates we feel have the best characteristics which will only then be passed on to offspring and be able to survive and increase fitness.

And my last example that I can think of would be an environmental factor with diseases. As we evolve, bacteria/illnesses also evolve. This can create resistance in our bodies. Where we have certain adaptations to fight off sickness, those mechanisms in our body can change as these sicknesses evolve too. We assume this, but we also never know what our bodies can do on extent to survive versus the technology we can create to combat incurable diseases at the moment like cancer.

The biggest thing besides these examples is mutations that our DNA can go through unknowingly. We may have some sources or ideas what could cause mutations such as UV rays, however when there is a mutation good or bad, we do not know the exact cause of it. Mutations, as said in the lecture, bring new traits to the environment and to us and could be more beneficial or not to our human population. This creates a magnificent affect to the population and as we know, mutations will not stop. We know that it can randomly and indefinitely continue within our species. This also helps us evolve currently as well.

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