Blog 7

Whether we like it or not, the human population continues to evolve naturally. Personally, I like seeing our world moving forward, only if it is in the right way. Advances in technology have always played a major part in our evolution process, and possibilities in today’s transportation have created both good and bad for our world. As populations become larger and more connected to others, genetic drift is less common. Transportation allows people to become more connected through traveling all over the world, causing different cultures to meet one another and alter ways of living, as well as to be influenced by different behaviors to alter ways of living, and biologically speaking, new genes to have the opportunity to collide and encourage gene flow to create an even more diverse population. This technological ability also allows food resources to be imported or exported to different places of the world that may have little to no supply of. These foreign foods can lead to important ingredients for meals for humans, animals, or even kinds of medicine which can help improve an environment. 

Although transportation may have brought along many benefits, it has also had a major negative affects as well on the human population. New diseases arise and have the potential to spread as pandemics. Through transportation, diseases from other places of the world can be introduced to a new environment and survive off of those who don’t have the ability to fight it. Natural selection then begins to take its course in which we have to take action in order to prevent a disease of thriving and making an even bigger impact. on our environment. The effects of natural selection on human biology depend on the environment. All aspects of our environment are modified by culture, including disease, food resources, differential reproduction, and climate change. From the planes, cars, and trains that we use for transportation, certain toxic gases are also released into the air and harm our atmosphere that is meant to protect us. Harming the atmosphere also affects climate change, altering the environment’s weather patterns.

Although gene flow may be restricted by certain factors, technological advances helped to knock down language barriers. Evolutionary changes in communication have altered different cultures and behaviors all over the world. Technology has also allowed us to communicate with people who speak different language, or don’t have the ability to speak audibly at all. Translation apps, websites, online courses, etc. have all helped to change the way we are able to speak with one another and break language barriers, and even make new medical discoveries. We can see this change especially after the baby boomer generation when phones, social media, and even online shopping became a necessity in today’s rapidly moving society rather than being used as a luxury when they first started out. Through social media, we are able to meet people from all over the world so effortlessly and learn from them was to improve our knowledge and have so much information at the end of our fingertips.

One thought on “Blog 7

  1. Your analysis of how transportation and natural selection go hand-in-hand was very thorough and engrossing. Transportation has evolved quite a lot in the past couple hundred years, which does promote even more diversity and gene flow than ever before. You then discuss the negatives of transportation, including the easy introduction of new diseases to certain populations. While this was certainly an issue a few hundred years ago, I think that today almost every country is pretty modernized and can deal with new diseases. I like how you note that language is becoming less of a barrier because of new technology we have developed. This is something I didn’t think about but makes a lot of sense. I feel like eventually we will have the technology to understand every language seamlessly and maybe even have a universal language that everyone speaks.

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