Blog post 7

Humans are always evolving from the way the live, their environment around them, their ability to reproduce and even their intelligence. Throughout our course we were able to see that modern humans have created new genes that we then learn about through our health conditions and some diseases. These are then called mutations. we find that through reproducing we care bringing more genetic like diseases to our environments. Scientist are able to study these mutations through populations in certain kinds of cultures and living environments. Human contribute to a lot of things our environment is known to be very complex and diverse. When we look at our neighborhoods we may not focus on the living situations some people may have to face around us. Looking at people that come from different countries have to face different financial hardships that the average person in poverty would face. Also we can look at how non-American people bring great knowledge to America to help us evolve. Their learning ability is very significant considering that their learning style is unique in various cultures. Even when it comes to religion we are able to adapt to their religion beliefs, and by they I am speaking of migrating families and cultures.

Environments today deal with disease, food resources, differential reproduction, and climate change. I believe certain cultures or people of different races bring a great range of diseases with them to different countries like measles for example. We are able to learn that this kind of disease comes from overseas and is not american based. A lot of people that are in armed forces or military that are deployed have to get extra vaccines even those that work in hospitals to prevent and illness or disease. When it comes to food resources we are able to get our food from different countries. We too can grow our own food and we are constantly building companies and becoming creative in the food industry. Then, when we look at the differential reproduction in humans we can see how certain cultures and ethnic groups have the ability to mate and then we are exposed to other genetic like traits.

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