Week 7 Blog

There are multiple factors today that are affecting evolution. First, one way biologically we are changing is by people intermingling with wide ranges of populations, races, and cultures due to the rise in social media. For example, only thirty years ago we did not have the communication paths we do today. Now, people can meet somebody online from across the world. Many times, this leads to friends and even intimate relationships. With intimate relationships, one person moves to the other persons place of living and results in a wider range of cultural inter-relationships. Moreover, I have seen examples on TV where someone from the United States meet someone from a small town in Africa. This would lead to genes mixing. Furthermore, this leads to an evolution of culture as well. If someone from a small town in Africa, they live a very different lifestyle than someone who lives in Michigan. This would lead to both of them being able to share their culture and traditions with more people. In addition, with the luxury of social media and the internet, we get to receive much more information about different cultures, traditions, and religions than people thirty years ago. Again, this would lead to an evolution of culture. Plus, although our population is still needing work with diversity, I believe that we have come a long way since the 1900’s. By having the internet and social media we can learn about other people and learn how to accept and educate yourself on why cultures celebrate certain things and more. This also leads to change of culture and biology. The culture is becoming more accepting and intermingling with different cultures and races. Then, by the culture becoming more accepting with different cultures, races, and religions than their own, it leads to more intimate relationships and marriages with different cultures. In turn, this changes biology and genes being passed on to offspring. Environmentally, it appears thus far that we are going to have to adjust to a hotter climate in the future. In fact, the previous fall, the hotter weather stayed around much longer than a typical Michigan fall. I specifically remember and know this due to the fact that my house in East Lansing has no air conditioning. Therefore, even I have had to learn to adjust to a hotter start to the school year. Another way people will need to evolve environmentally is with the many forest fires on the west coast on the United States. The population will have to learn new tactics to avoid fires and ensure that lives, houses, and businesses will not be lost. Plus, the results of air pollution from the environment changes, fires, gas, and more, we will have to learn to adjust to this as well. For instance, in Hong Kong many residents wear face masks to avoid breathing in the polluted air. Eventually, if the air pollution is not stopped, many people will have to do this and learn how to prevent mutations that could result from this. 

Word Count: 504

2 thoughts on “Week 7 Blog

  1. I like and agree with your view of culture affecting our evolution and how observing different environmental temperatures other populations are dealing with can be used to help adapt ourselves. I also wrote about the effect of interacting with different cultures have also changed the biology and genes of our offspring. And with the advancement of technology (because of the evolution of our brain) we are able to connect with others all over the world in order to do that. not only that, the interactions help us to evolve socially and linguistically. But with this range of transportation, we are now able to rely on, the rates of contracting disease will be higher and will be able to spread faster. And with that, maybe more useful mutations help us evolve and thrive in those possible future conditions.

  2. I also wrote about how technology is affecting the bio-cultural evolution of humans. You touch on the social media aspect and how it can physically bring people from different backgrounds together which would be biologically changing the evolution of humans. I also think with new technologies that allow people to live with conditions that are not advantageous for evolution also is affecting the way we evolve. I’m glad you mentioned the way the environment is evolving and the way humans have to change to meet the new temperatures. I wrote about the way we have genetically modified things like crops to deal with population increases and this has change the way these species evolve and the environment works.

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