Week 1 Blog Post

The professional organization website that was the most interesting to me was The American Anthropological Association founded in 1902. This association discusses the different kind of anthropology including biological anthropology. They complete biological research to advance anthropology. They advance anthropology by publishing journals, encouraging research, take actions in science, as well as creating recognition of anthropology. They grow through the biological sciences that are used to research. Biological Anthropology looks into the biological parts of humans and their extinct ancestors through the evolutionary perspective. Bioarchaeology is one of the subfields that look into the remains of areas that were in place many years ago. These techniques help find skeletal remains. This helps to overlap with biological anthropology to learn about different studies like nutrition, child growth, genes, and adjusting to the environment. It gets difficult to reconstruct ancient societies because it’s important that bioarchaeologists use that and the culture of the area the pieces were found. A bioarcheologist is able to determine the gender, cranial and pelvic pieces in the body. They are usually able to identify the lifestyle individuals had due to there bone strength. Individuals who lived in poor areas usually had stronger bones as they were likely laborers. The individuals with lower bone density had a higher chance of living in a higher socio-economic status as they didn’t have as much physical stress. They are also able to learn a lot about individuals through there teeth. For example, individuals that went through malnutrition had a more difficult time developing enamel in their teeth. Another way they analyze societies is through genetics. The DNA from human helps to know the sex, marriage patterns, and genetic relations. Although Bioarcheheologists are doing so much great in the world there still is some complications. They sometimes experience ethical and legal issues due to looking at the remains of individuals that are dead and are unable to consent. Bioarcheologists do a great job by not focusing all of there studies on the individuals that were rich and famous. Instead, they too start from individuals of a lower class. This helps us learn more about the societies in general as this helps us better understand societies. They help to create a better understanding of our ancestors over a large time period. Understanding the past is important so we may work to better our societies now. There was a lot of diseases that occur back in the day that doesn’t exist now. Bioarchaeology is able to identify these. It gives us an understanding of who these people were and help us develop a story of what their life was like. Nowadays since technology has massively advanced bioarcheologists are able to use 3D imaging which helps understand the individual’s age, diet, pathological changes, and even the movement of population. It helps to know the diets of individuals in the past so we may learn what foods were available at that time. These days biological anthropology is looking into how populations are connected even if they have biological differences. This helps us to not group individuals into different categories.

One thought on “Week 1 Blog Post

  1. Hi Bushra, your post is really interesting, I like how you begin with discussing the main organization which I think all of us will mention since all the subfields are based on. Anthropology is such a board term even one it’s subfields, for example archeology has many more divisions one of which as you explored is bioarcheology. I wasn’t quite familiar with bioarcheology or bioarcheologist, after reading your post which helped me understand what roles do they play in archeology and how they are essential to understanding the context content and elucidation of the remains. The methods and techniques described above explained how a bioarcheologist can get substantial amount of information regarding a person from their teeth. Overall your post is informational and good, I would have really liked it you had added study where all the informational was applied it would be even more interesting.

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