Week 1 Blog Post- Joshua K. Belcher

In 1998, the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO) was founded in the development of physical anthropology to understand the history behind humans. The primary purpose of this organization is to promote the study of physical anthropology when understanding the physical creation of human species over millions of years ago since our existence. Furthermore, the British Association for Biological Anthropology discusses the impact of this study through the intellectual evidence of humans remains. This study includes areas of primatology, homines, medical anthropology, forensic anthropology, and bioarchaeology. As I continued to explore behind the purpose’s meaning and the goal of this intriguing organization. I learned that the British Association of Anthropology focuses their study of physical anthropology on the biological evolution and variation of humans. Which means that the evolution and variation of human behavior in regards to race, ethnicity, and mainly ancestor are affected by their environmental factors and how they adapted to living in this era. On the other hand, the British Biological Association believes that it’s vitally important to know the ancestors of modern humans today who lived before them in the past. The British Association wants its educators to learn and adapt to how humans are closely related species to primates. Primates are eutherian animals that were derived millions of years ago that adapted to living in tropical forests. The connection between primates and humans follows back to ancient history before humans were even called “Humans.”

According to this website, primates are among the most social group of animals and develop similar characteristics in comparison to humans like forming family pair groups (culture). However, I browsed through their website more in-depth and notice that the Biological Association received a collection of human skeletons to observe the distinction between humans and small eutherian mammals. Over the past centuries, the mammals of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans are closely related to each other because they are classified as Hominidae. However, millions of years ago humans are known to be descendants of those small eutherian animals. This website discusses many significant parts of how primatology greatly contributes to the way humans interact within their culture, belief, or in general just their biological features. After that, I came across a brief article that was titled “ Institutions receiving skeletal collections.” This article discusses the importance of human skeletons on how it is crucial evidence for an anthropologist to further obtain more research containing discrete objects such as human bones or even the body parts of primates to help further this study. Furthermore, physical anthropologists goal within this organization is to understand and apply human’s concern about how the organism populations correlate in more of a positive motive for primates and many other nonhuman animals in that nature. In connection, the broader theme of anthropology has been explained in many particular ways, but physical anthropology touches the basis for the population of primates and humans. Lastly, the main point that the British Association is trying to enhance in our brains that human species come from the archaeology aspect of human development by the variation of biological genetics. The link to the website is below.


One thought on “Week 1 Blog Post- Joshua K. Belcher

  1. Hi, you have introduced a very interesting and informative website. Firstly, it seemed that this website and this branch has included knowledge in many sub-fields of physical anthropology, as you mentioned, primatology, homines, medical anthropology and so forth. It revealed that these branches of anthropology are not isolated and separate fields. Instead, they have very close relationships with each other, and in many cases, they will work together in scientific researches. Secondly, it is great that you have provided an introduction about how to study the evolution of primates. The existence of primates might be traced back to millions of years ago, while the anthropologists could only study the fossils and the skeleton remains. It is amazing that they have completed a tree of evolution including orangutans, old world monkeys, hominidae and so forth. Thirdly, this website included something about culture. I think culture is very unique and meaningful creation for human beings. It is based on the biological existence, while in many times, the culture is abstract and even mysterious. I think it is great that anthropologists could deduct the group behaviors, the cultures, the developments of intellects of ancient people based on the physical remains.

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