Blog 1

One Professional organization website that stuck out to me was the Society for Cultural Anthropology’s website. The professional organization was founded in the 1980s. They sponsor the journal of Cultural Anthropology. Their goal is to “explore how different people inhabit the imponderabilia of everyday life, to situate how they navigate conditions of both possibility and constraint, and to remain both ethnographically engaged and theoretically pioneering. “(Society for cultural anthropology). The society publishes on their website “ethnographic writing informed by a wide array of theoretical perspectives, innovative in form and content, and focused on both traditional and emerging topics.”   The organization’s website has articles in the Fieldsights section, which discuss many anthropological conversations that are happening today. There is an engagement page that has three subsections that are contributing editors program, events, and prize. In the contributing editors program, they show the publication manager, section editors, contributing editors, and student representative. They all help with creating, editing, and curating the digital content for the Society for Cultural Anthropology’s website. For the event page, the society holds meeting every other year in the spring of even numbered years. There is a list of all the meetings they had in the past at the bottom of the website. The prize section shows the prizes that were given out over the years to graduate students. The society is interested in how people from other cultures learn how to relate to each other without being critical or judgmental of their customs. They teach their members to accept people from all races and nationalities.

In order for cultural anthropologists to get their research done, they go out to the people whose culture they want to learn. Culture can be defined as the beliefs, practices, and the cognitive and social organization of groups of people.  In order for them to get accurate information, they have to be hands on with everything. They learn about the culture inside and then try to find interesting differences and similarities between all the cultures they have been studying. They do interviews formally and informally, they do surveys, they talk to people about their histories, myths, and genealogies. They take written notes, make movies and recordings. By doing this, they try to understand and appreciate how different people behave in different cultures and countries. Cultural Anthropologists study human condition in the field of technology, legal systems, language, race relations, illness, detail. They also study the culture in large companies like General Motors, Apple, IBM, etc. Some of the environments they work in are school, cities, villages   As you can see this is a significant branch of anthropology. This ties together all the research we need to communicate with cultures in our own country and cultures in other countries. Cultural anthropology will allow humans who are interacting with different people to be more sensitive in the choice of words they use. People will understand the mannerisms of people around the world. This way, we can have less confusion with nonverbal communication. As we learn more about anthropology, we realize why it’s essential to learn about all the different sections of it. It allows us to learn, research, and teach the biological and physiological characteristics of human evolution.

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