Week 2: Activity Post

China is a country which just began to pay public attention about their focus on women. The good news is, this idea spread fast and fast through the time goes by. China is a place where their education is a very serious thing in young generation. It has both sides in this discussion. First, the government of China increased their investment of education every single year, which is a good policy for rural compulsory children(UNICEF 2018). We have to agree that education is the first step for people to know themselves and their identity(women or men). From 2006, this new policy for compulsory education in rural areas began. Now, this policy already published for 13 years, and it helps millions of children to get rid of poverty and ignorance(UNICEF 2018). At the same time, the status of women and transgender begain their journey in next five year. 

First, the institutions of MCH had more than 3,000 in China and it helps to reduce the mortality of children and women in the rural areas. The staff quality and financial support had been improved, it builds a steady statues that people could care for their physical health. 

About the cooking and cleaning in homes, women are the majority to care over all the housework. Men only take over a few. In the report from bloomberg news(2019), the statistics shows that Chinese women are engaged 3.8 hours a day. Most of them even have their work to do, which means their sleeping time and rest time have been occupied for years. On the contrary, men only need to bear the burden from work. According to the data(2019), only women take their responsible for housework and to accompany children.

With these facts, what makes a woman in China and what makes a man in China? In my opinion, this definition depends on the hormones and sexual organs just like sport definitions. I barely heard news about transgender in China before I was fifteen. The first transgender I heard about in China is Jin Xing, She is a modern dancer and right now she has her own TV show. She is the only openly transgender celebrity in China. In this report from Hollywood(2016),she shared her story about how she discovered her gender and her parents’ support behind that. “She was not the first person to undergo the procedure in China, but this practice was widely considered taboo.” The things she changed for transgender group is irreplaceable. My mother really likes her show and Jin Xing owns her respect from millions of people in China. Jin Xing’s voice broke the single gender cognition in public discussion. Regarding the experience behind Jin Xing, she had won the opportunity to study in the United States through her excellent dance strength. I didn’t criticize anything, but Jin Xin determined her own gender identity and gender cognition through her exploration in this environment that was more tolerant of the LGBT community. 


Children in China: An Atlas of Social Indicators 2018. UNICEF. https://www.unicef.cn/sites/unicef.org.china/files/2019-03/Atlas%202018%20ENG.pdf

Rahman, Abid(2016). Meet the oprah of china, who happens to be transgender. Hollywood Reporter.


Bloomberg New(2019). Being a woman in China means working a sixth of your life unpaid.


One thought on “Week 2: Activity Post

  1. Wow, I had never heard of this Jin Xing person, she sounds incredible. I don’t know a lot about LGBTQ issues in China, but it sounds like China has adopted a more progressive outlook on LGBTQ and women’s issues.

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