
Mission Statement 

As the Undergraduate Anthropology Club of Michigan State University, we seek to expose prospective anthropologists to a wealth of anthropological topics and the breadth of all areas of focus. We strive to introduce students to resources and networking that will help them to further their professional and personal goals. We serve as a means to connect Michigan State University’s body of future anthropologists to broader regional, national, and international communities. In addition, we work to bring an awareness of anthropology to the Michigan State University student body and encourage stewardship within the community. 

Article I: Purpose 

● To create an environment where those interested in anthropology can explore and become familiar with the different subfields of the discipline. 

● To provide a positive space to interact with other future anthropologists, as well as to access resources like networking, professional advice, and academic guidance.

● To foster collaboration amongst students, faculty, and the rest of the department.

● To inform and educate the broader MSU student body about the practice, benefits, and applicability of anthropology as a field.

Article II: Events 

Section 1: Official General Meetings 

General meetings will each last from one to two hours and will be held every other week unless decided otherwise by the Executive Board. The President and Vice President will finalize and distribute the meeting schedule to all current members of the club at the beginning of each semester. Official club meetings must include a topic related to anthropology in a professional/academic sense. Any expenses related to official meetings (including food and contest prizes) will be paid for using collected club dues.

Section 2: Social Activities 

Social activities will be held biweekly, during the weeks that a meeting is not held, unless decided otherwise by the Executive Board. These events are purely social, meaning that they are not obligated to relate to anthropology in any way. Activities will take place in the area on and around the MSU campus and are intended to provide club members with opportunities for fun, relaxation, and bonding as a group. These events will be chosen at the discretion of the President and Vice President, and the plans will be distributed to all other club members at least one week in advance. Social events are optional and all expenses will be the responsibility of each attendee. Transportation (including carpools) may be arranged but is not guaranteed. 

Section 3: Field Trips 

Field trips may also be scheduled and planned at the discretion of the President and Vice President. These events will take place far enough away from the MSU campus to require pre-planned group transportation, and may last anywhere from a few hours to a few days in length. While on a field trip, all attending members are required to use the same mode of transportation at all times (within reason), and in the case of any club-sponsored activity that requires an overnight stay, all members are required to stay in the same accommodation (hotel, Airbnb, etc.), all of which will be planned and reserved by the President/Vice President. The Executive Board will begin planning for these events at least two months in advance and will release plans to all other members at least one month in advance. Attendance on field trips is reserved for club members who have paid their club dues in full at the time of the trip. Field trips are optional and each attendee’s expenses will be their individual responsibility, however, the cost of attendance will be offset by funds obtained through fundraising efforts which will be chosen and organized by the Executive Board. Any funds that are used for this purpose must be evenly split amongst all eligible individuals. Only those who actively participate in the respective fundraiser(s) will be eligible for any related financial assistance. 

Article III: Executive Board 

Section 1: Executive Board Members 

The Undergraduate Anthropology Club’s executive board shall consist of five members:

 ● President 

● Vice President 

● Treasurer 

● Secretary 

● Media and Outreach Coordinator

Additional Executive Board positions may be created as necessary under the unanimous approval of all Executive Board members and the faculty advisor. 

Section 2: Executive Board Duties


The president oversees all other members of the Executive Board and ensures all responsibilities are fulfilled to keep the club running smoothly. Individual responsibilities may include: 

● Communicating with the Faculty Advisor and other department members

● Re-registering the club each fall 

● Planning the yearly schedule prior to the academic year 

● Running any tables/booths at Sparticipation/CSS Resource Fair/etc. 

● Organizing and conducting official club meetings 

● Creating presentations for club meetings and posts for social media

● Planning and hosting fundraisers, social events, and field trips 

● Designing club merchandise

● Any other tasks as necessary 

Vice President 

The vice president partners with the president to oversee all club needs. Individual responsibilities may include: 

● Contacting potential guests to speak at meetings and confirming the guest schedule 

● Helping the president plan and host meetings, fundraisers, events, and trips 

● Contacting the department when needed 

● Taking over in the absence of the president at a meeting or event 

● Signing up for university-wide events like Sparticipation, the Homecoming Parade, etc. 

● Designing club merchandise

● Running any tables/booths at Sparticipation/CSS Resource Fair/etc. 


The secretary is in charge of recording the events of meetings in detail and recording meeting attendance. Individual responsibilities may include: 

● Writing a comprehensive timeline of all events and discussions at each official club meeting 

● Keeping a log of attendance at every required meeting and at fundraisers 


The treasurer is responsible for maintaining the club’s finances, helping to collect club dues, and ensuring the use of any funds from the club bank account is appropriate. Individual responsibilities may include: 

● Assisting with collection of club dues from each member and maintaining a detailed record of who has paid

● Maintaining a detailed spreadsheet of all funds going into or coming out of the club’s account 

● Helping to select, plan, and host fundraising activities 

Media and Outreach Coordinator 

The media and outreach coordinator is responsible for maintaining the club’s social media accounts and presence within the MSU and East Lansing communities. Individual responsibilities may include: 

● Maintenance of the club’s social media accounts and website 

● Taking pictures at events 

● Helping to create engaging and eye-catching flyers/posters to draw in new club members 

● Distributing media on and around campus, both physically and on social media 

● Help running any tables/booths at Sparticipation/CSS Resource Fair/etc. 

Although every Executive Board member has their separate duties, it is the job of every Executive Board member to collaborate to ensure that the club runs smoothly. 

Section 3: Election of Executive Board Members 

Elections for the following year’s Executive Board shall be held during the last month of the current academic year. There is no limit to how many times an individual may run for or hold office. Nominees may be self-nominated, and any member who would like to run for Executive Board may do so. The election of Executive Board members shall be done by popular vote amongst the official (fully paid and active) members of the club. Those who are graduating are still allowed to vote. In the event of a tie, the position will be awarded to the candidate who has been a member of the club for a longer amount of years. If there is still a tie afterward, then the two candidates will split the duties of that position for the entirety of the year. 

Section 4: Removal of Executive Board Members 

In the event that an Executive Board member consistently fails to meet the requirements of their position and/or does not come to two or more official club meetings without justified cause and notifying other Executive Board members ahead of time, then cause for removal is justified only by unanimous vote of the remaining Executive Board members. The Faculty Advisor must be consulted if approval of removal occurs and will give the final approval or veto. 

Article IV: Membership 

Membership shall only be open to undergraduate MSU students from any department. To hold official membership with the club, a $20 club due must be paid each fall and spring semester ($40 total for the year). Failure to pay this does not restrict anyone from coming to meetings, but it does restrict them from attending club field trips and from voting for the club’s Executive Board. Final dues are to be paid in full no later than the end of the third meeting of each semester. Dues, however, need not be paid by currently elected Executive Board members. 

MSU Non-Discriminatory Clause 

The organization will not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. Also, only MSU students may be officers and/or voting members. 

Amendment Process 

Should for any reason a portion of this constitution need amending it must be voted on by the current Executive Board and agreed on by at least four of the five members. Furthermore, there must be strong reasoning for its amendment and the amendment must then be approved by the Faculty Advisor. 

Article V: Fundraising 

At all points in time, the club must maintain a minimum of $150 in funds in the official club bank account. Thus, each week the balance will be verified and, if needed, will be supplemented via department/private donations, club merchandise sales, club-operated fundraisers, or any other method the Executive Board sees fit, given that it reflects the club, department, college, and university in a positive light. Club merchandise is to be sold at a profit and 100% of all associated funds must go into the club’s bank account.

The registered student organization at Michigan State University dedicated to undergraduates with a professional or personal interest in anthropology.