Week 7 – Activity Post: Final thoughts about ANP 270

I learned a lot from this Women and Health course this semester. While the provided lectures, readings, films, and peer blog/activity posts expanded my medical anthropology background and theoretical foundation for my major, they also shifted my perspective of gendered health issues. Studying women’s health on a global scale kind of ‘opened my eyes’ to international structures and trends of gender-based violence, cultural clashes in medicine, and the limited research/resources for maternal health and other women-specific health concerns. These problems occur around the world and are influenced by the interaction of varied social determinants/social identities; in this way, women’s health concerns are widespread and prevalent enough to be addressed, but should be approached in different ways (with different cultural contexts in mind). I really enjoyed the thought-provoking discussions on intersectionality and gender, as well as better educating myself about the practice of female genital cutting and its various types. My only suggestion for improvement would be the ‘fleshing out’ of the anthropology website’s technical bugs, particularly in terms of blog post commenting. Overall, I really liked the organization of the course and enjoyed the opportunity to discuss women’s health with others from different backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints. The group discussion aspect of the weekly assignments made me more interested in some of the more obscure topics and more geographically-based health issues affecting girls and women in different countries (of which I may not have had much knowledge or contextualization without). Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to grow in medical anthropology, redefine feminist health studies, and expand my worldview! 

One thought on “Week 7 – Activity Post: Final thoughts about ANP 270

  1. You are welcome! I greatly enjoyed having you in the class and I thought you brought some very great insights into the course. I’m also very happy to see that you got a lot out of the course, and enjoyed the way that the “mind opening” aspects of this course.

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