Piltdown, Cardiff Giant, and their Relationship

In terms of both of these hoaxes, their motives are completely different. Piltdown Man was a hoax based in three places of motivation: nationalism, scientific ideology, and fame. The hoaxers were looking to not only provide a source of fame for themselves, but also to spur on nationalism for their country at a time when every other country in Europe was finding their own ancient skeletons. The Cardiff Giant, on the other hand, had its motivations in the place of money and religious ideology. While George Hull wanted to prove a point about people believing anything as long as it was written in the Bible, the main drive in this case really seemed to be money based. The ease of belief between the two of them is probably not equivalent. Piltdown was quite believable at the time because it fit into the idea of current hypotheses on human evolution at the time. However, it also was probably just as easy to believe because it came from England, which at the time was the major world power, so of course the missing link to all of humanity would come from there. The Giant seemed more to feed on a Victorian society that was very much endowed as a Christian based world. It was easy for them to believe in something that was spoken about in the Bible because the Bible was the final word. Luckily, the Cardiff Giant had an extremely short-lived time in the spotlight, with it being discovered in October of 1869 and then debunked in December of the same year. Piltdown Man, however, was not debunked for almost fifty years. It had an extremely long-lasting effect compared to the Giant. Not only did it delay the acceptance of fossils such as Australopithecus africanus in the 1920s (Stringer 179), but it also was a blow to the legitimacy of all of human evolution studies and led anti-evolutionists to believe they were right all along (Hooton 288). Anti-evolution is one of the few things the Giant and Piltdown have in common. These two hoaxes do also share the implication provided about the self-corrective nature of science. Both involved something that people wanted to see, even if it was in two seemingly different realms of science. Piltdown achieved the idea that human evolution had a missing link with a large-brained ape-like creature, but also substantiated the idea of white supremacy since this essential linked happened in England. It was not only what people wanted to see but expected within the current time of discoveries all over Europe. The Giant filled in the idea that of course, the Bible was correct in its tellings of creationism, and that the word was to be taken literally. Though its scientific implications were not as long-standing as Piltdown, it still has prevalence today.